I got a no front plate ticket in SF, looks like they are cracking down on it. Is the fine $25 after correction?
They've been issuing these tickets for years, but recently, have really begun to crack down on this. If you park anywhere in SF for more than 10-15 mins, you may very well get one, as meter maids are writing these with a vengeance. I've since resorted to putting the front plate in the window, so far so good, but I know at some point, it probably won't fly either. Other Bay Area cities which employ parking enforcement/meter maids also have stepped up writing no front plate tickets in the past year.
Also, with respect to local police and CHP, no front plate is also now being used as a valid reason in itself to pull you over (and subsequently look for other things). Happened to me twice last year, once with local police, and once with CHP. Both times, the cop was going the opposite direction, and u-turned just to pull me over for no front plate in my 100% stock daily driver.
This is so the red light cameras(run by private for profit companies) can get a nice pic of your face as well as your front plate in the same pic.
I recently read that in California, they are proposing putting SPEEDING detectors along with the red-light cameras, and automatically sending speeding tickets in the mail too!
Here's an interesting anecdote.. I once was passing across one of the local toll bridges in my nsx, with no front plate. Got to the booth and realized I had no cash on me. The toll worker handed me a paper and told me to continue on may way. The paper basically said to expect a ticket in the mail. Nothing ever came - I chalk it up to having no front plate![]()
Traffic (red light) cameras are red off FRONT plate.
FasTrak bridge tolls are read off REAR plate.
Photo radar is a fact of life here in Arizona, not just at intersections, but on the open road. The Phoenix metro area has ~20-30 different locations with stationary cameras that are set up to take your picture if you're doing 11+ over the speed limit. You'll get a ticket in the mail.I recently read that in California, they are proposing putting SPEEDING detectors along with the red-light cameras, and automatically sending speeding tickets in the mail too!
I got a no front plate ticket in SF, looks like they are cracking down on it. Is the fine $25 after correction?