Nissan Z movie "The Run"

2 October 2001
Those of you who've seen The Matrix Reloaded may have also seen the trailer to the Nissan Z DVD movie, "The Run"...... which happens to look a lot like "Getaway In Stockholm" (At first I thought it was!!!). Needless to say, it looks awesome.

More details here:

<A HREF="">e-mag preview of 'The Run" movie</A>

<A HREF="">Official site - Trailer available for Download here!!!</A>

Has anyone else seen it???

<IMG SRC="">
The Run

I have the DVD. You can buy it from Nissan's website and it's available for download as a movie file someplace on their website or the official Z website.

The DVD has great sounds of the engine and multiple camera angles as the car drives through Prague. You can see the entire run from several different camera angles too. The level of driving was not that extreme as far as I'm concerned. Getaway in Stockholm III with the NSX obliterates The Run in my opinion. It's much longer but filmed while being totally illegal. The Run was done on a predetermined course and with much much planning. The quality of the video is top notch. I like it and will keep the DVD in my collection.

BTW, Nissan sells the DVD for $10 + tax + $7 shipping. I found my copy for $10 shipped on Ebay.
Ack! Only QT or Real...evil software!

Anyway, sounds like a giant commercial for the Z. Nissan should give it away for free!