night photography tips
<B>mother goose</B>: i've been trying to shoot beautiful night photos for the past three years... and to convey all that i've learned would mean a looooooooooooooooooooong post. so here's a condensed list of tips:
one of the best tips i've learned is to take night shots just AFTER
sunset. Let the sun go down and the sky darken... usually there's about 30-60mins before the sky goes to pitch-black where there is still color in the sky. This is <B>the</B> window of opportunity.
there's an old saying that the best light is the first hour of sunlight, and the first hour of dusk. that is true.
to improve contrast... just make sure you get the correct exposure. To get that is a bit difficult & where experience helps... so it's best to 'bracket' (bracketing is where, for example, you shoot 1 shot @ 10secs, another @15secs, last @20secs and see which comes out best)
a practical tip i can give is to take notice of the color of the object you're photographing. if your shooting white objects (NSX's), your light meter can be fooled and will underexpose. Again i suggest bracketing.
Also contrast can be improved by buying $$$ pro lens and using certain aperture settings (as MiamieNeSeX comments), and also buying filters to correct the color of artifical lights. All of which is a long post in itself... i suggest you purchase a photography book/mag... for under US$10 you can get decent advice.
oh, and lastly... with practice you'll learn to read and judge a scene... so be patient and keep trying... and don't forget to post your pix here on prime.
hope this helps.