Just though i'd share what happened on this past Saturday. Most likley the last day b/f the car gets stored for winter I got nailed on I-70 near downtown Kansas City by radar. Caught by surprise he's shooting w/his door open on the outside shoulder. I new he had me as I saw him closing his door several hundred yards away. Thing is he just started to roll w/lights on when I passed him. I pulled in right in front of him on the shoulder and he didn't have to move more than 20-30 yards to pull in behind me. Lic. in hand & seatbelt on of course he said "sir you just saved yourself a whole lot of money" I say " hey I knew I was speeding" he says "how fast you think you were going and I guess 75mph and he says 89" It was drive thru service, I wasn't on the shoulder waiting for more than 5 minutes and he reduces the ticket to 74mph in a 60 and says "nice car, have a good day sir".