Nice Police Officer

3 April 2002
Lee's Summit,MO/8mmLake of the Ozarks
Just though i'd share what happened on this past Saturday. Most likley the last day b/f the car gets stored for winter I got nailed on I-70 near downtown Kansas City by radar. Caught by surprise he's shooting w/his door open on the outside shoulder. I new he had me as I saw him closing his door several hundred yards away. Thing is he just started to roll w/lights on when I passed him. I pulled in right in front of him on the shoulder and he didn't have to move more than 20-30 yards to pull in behind me. Lic. in hand & seatbelt on of course he said "sir you just saved yourself a whole lot of money" I say " hey I knew I was speeding" he says "how fast you think you were going and I guess 75mph and he says 89" It was drive thru service, I wasn't on the shoulder waiting for more than 5 minutes and he reduces the ticket to 74mph in a 60 and says "nice car, have a good day sir".
Of course, if he was really nice he would've let you go with just a warning
hey tom, lets compare notes on police nests. i coulda told you about that one, there's a car or bike there a lot, seems like everytime i drive by there.

there's a yellow nsx(fixed lights) that just moved into our neighborhood. we should go introduce ourselves? call me sometime.
I have a question.

I've gotten tickets before but never once for a moving violation. Is there a direct correlation between the speed you get written up for and the amount of the fine?
I was cruising at a healthy speed last week and got pulled over. Apparently the cop was merging onto the same highway so he didn't clock me, but it was very obvious from his vintage point that I was going much faster than 65mph.

Once pulled over, I apologized and admitted guilt. He said he could take me to jail for reckless driving, but indicated that I had good attitude so he will just settle for a speeding ticket.

He told me that he knows I hit at least 110mph, but will only write me up for 90mph due to my good attitude.

I think my business attire and frequent apologies made a big difference.
Originally posted by 8000RPM:

He told me that he knows I hit at least 110mph, but will only write me up for 90mph due to my good attitude.

90 mph in a 65 is still a HUGE fine. I would be pissed and I would fight it as he cannot prove you were going 90. Did you end up fighting it or did you just pay the fine?
Originally posted by Joel:
I have a question.

I've gotten tickets before but never once for a moving violation. Is there a direct correlation between the speed you get written up for and the amount of the fine?

You bet there is. The faster you are going the higher the fine, the greater the amount of points on you license, and your insurance will increase as well. I figured it up once when I received a speeding ticket. With the fine and the increase in insurance, a 80 in a 55 ticket cost me near 3000 dollars all totaled. I was in assigned risk at the time.
B/c he wrote me @ 74 mph I was in the less than 20mph over range or $10 per mph over the posted limit. Conversly the 20+ mph over range is $20 dollars per mph. In my case the post limit was 55mph x 19mph over limit x $10 = $190 or 55mph x 34mph over limit x $20 = $680 which he could have done. Yeah he gave me a break. I figure its gonna cost about $400 total with a friend thats a lawyer for defective equipment no points, which is alot better than $680 that doesn't include lawyer fees.

Holly crap steveny wouldn't it have been better just to get the ticket fixed.
Never ever admit guilt.I was driving about 60 mph in a 35mph about 7 a.m. on a Saturday, late for a business meeting.A cop going the other direction sees me and does A u- turn to get behind me.I imediately pull my handbrake (so my brake light does not go on) and slow to about 30mph by the time he gets behind me.He pulls me over and ask's me what the speed limit is I say 25?He says no 35 how fast do you think you were going?I say 34.He gets all red faced and says I was going about 55 and for that remark I'm getting a ticket.I give him all my paperwork and he runs the car my license and writes the ticket and comes back to my car and only writes me up for tinted windows and tells me I'm lucky I didnt admit to speeding because he didn't have a chance to put the radar on me or anything else.But if he ever see's me speeding on his streets again he will get me.So never ever admit!!
Anyone that ownes an exotic sports car should make sure that one of his best friends is the Circuit Court Clerk. And if he plays golf make sure he wins a lot.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
B/c he wrote me @ 74 mph I was in the less than 20mph over range or $10 per mph over the posted limit. Conversly the 20+ mph over range is $20 dollars per mph. In my case the post limit was 55mph x 19mph over limit x $10 = $190 or 55mph x 34mph over limit x $20 = $680 which he could have done. Yeah he gave me a break. I figure its gonna cost about $400 total with a friend thats a lawyer for defective equipment no points, which is alot better than $680 that doesn't include lawyer fees.

Holly crap steveny wouldn't it have been better just to get the ticket fixed.

Are you figuring in how much it will raise your insurance for the next 39 months. That is how I came up with the 3k figure in my situation. At the time I was 18 driving a Porsche and I was paying near 3800 a year for assigned risk insurance. The ticket I received increased my insurance 20 percent or 760 per year for 3 years and 3 months. My insurance company renew the policy every 6 months so that's 760x3.5=2660 plus the fine. There is a lot more to pay then just the fine, if there weren't I would speed all the time.