Nice places to stay near River Run?

11 August 2011
Arlington, VA

River Run happens to fall upon the weekend of our wedding anniversary, so I am looking to turn the trip in to a weekend getaway. My rough search has identified the SilverStone Inn in Lancaster PA which got the thumbs up from the wife for what she roughly has in mind, but I am wondering if anyone knows a place a little closer to Frenchtown, NJ. Would also be great to have a personal recommendation of a place from someone sensible (if you own a NSX you MUST be sensible!).

I appreciate any insight, thanks!
Off the top of my head, The Stockton Inn (Stockton, NJ) might be nice. Year's ago, friends got married there.

Another interesting place is a B-B that is also an Alpacha Farm. Tytus just stayed there 2 weeks ago and could weigh in on whether or not he would recommend.

Also, try looking in the New Hope/Lambertville area.

I will ask Chuck and Fernande if they have any personal recommendations.

Will let you know what else we think of.

- - - Updated - - -

Another suggestion from Chuck and Nande:

"Don’t know anything about this place but it’s been there forever and it’s in Frenchtown. There’s very nice places for eating and only ten min. to Lodi Hill."
Are you more interested in romantic? Good food near by plus ability to walk around a small town/ shops/ restaurants / places for a drink? Hiking close by?

If the shops along with a cocktail in a nice area with off street parking I'd suggest The Lambertville Inn - note thisnt the Lambertville Station but a seperate place not associated with them. Alan and Roberta stayed there once. Nice rooms some with private balconies and or in room whirlpool tubs. Restaurant and cocktails on first floor in a small not pretentious place or can walk anywhere in Lambertville or new hope. This is south of the river run but you would be driving close by it on your way to the river run if your staying there the night before as well. We can reccomend some nice places in town for dinner or breakfast. I think it will be nicer than the Stockton Inn for the rooms. Though the Stockton inn has a lovely outdoor garden seating area for dinner and you can walk across the street to Meils for a super yummy breakfast. If the Inns have bikes the canal path is very close for an easy ride.
There are some more rural
Places where you would be either on the canal or river. One rents horses but all you get to do is walk then down the canal path. I find that torture as I'm sure your wife would as well. Pm don if you want more info as my pm goes to an old email
address I check once every few months.
Greatly appreciate both posts, plenty for me to dig into and research out to see if one hits a chord with my wife. Thanks a ton!
Hey..........I'm looking for a romantic place too :>)
If I come it would be the night before and all I want is a plain Jane Hotel with clean nice rooms great parking and nice pillows. I'll be solo.