NFX Experiment

3 November 2011
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hazards of being an Old Guy, a couple months back my MD gave me the wonderful news that my HDLs are not in a good place so he prescribed some statins and a change in diet. I always figured that as long as my weight didn't change I could eat whatever I wanted. Apparently not! I would like to get off the statins so I am really motivated to change the diet.

Just like raisins and broccoli, I know some people hate it and happen to think it is only suitable as a brick like building material; but, I happen to like Xmas fruit cake and it is an Xmas staple for me. Thing is, it is loaded with both dietary cholesterol (yum butter and egg yolks) and saturated fats (double yum on the butter). So we have been experimenting on alternate fruitcake formulations. Riffing off Honda's NSX abbreviation we have labeled this NFX, New Fruitcake eXperimental. First prototype NFX was edible; but, not great. Current prototype may go into final production with some tweaks. I think this may happen faster than Honda took to bring the NC1 into production.

The NRX, New Rumballs eXperimental was an abject failure that really missed the product expectations causing management to completely abandon the project. Apparently there are some things you just can't do without a lot of saturated fat.