Next Saturday - Bastille Day Festivities and Drive

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
Drove the road below the cliffs today. Started at the Alpine entrance, traveled south in the X. Did not even get 1/4 mi. and turned around. Road was horrible with huge potholes, narrow and cyclists. Could not go fast. Went home, got SUV and back on the trail. Drove the entire length to below the GW Bridge. Great road, beautiful scenic under GW, etc. Not for our cars though, too many fallen rocks from the cliffs, too many holes. The best route will be to go north from the bridge on the parkway PIP and exit at Alpine. Then 9w north to Tallman state park entrance, cut through and down into Piermont. Plenty of parking down near town and some safe lots for the X’s.

Bastille Day will begin at 12 Noon, Saturday, July 11 and we can stay as long as we like or drive some more or even up to Bear Mtn. Lunch could be nice with samplings of French Cuisine in the streets. Nice Hudson river views there and even canoe rentals! Anyone ever play Petanque au boule competition in Bryant Park behind the NYC library? They will have Petanque, as well, on Sat. in Piermont.
That's good to know about that Bridge area, Thanks! - I know all the lower roads and we can go that way for a while and then come up into Alpine or Tenafly to 9w where I know all the law. Omeganorm was there weeks back with his X and he'll tell you its fine.
Any of you NYC Dim Sum lovers that are looking for a drive this Saturday, care for a change of pace and try some "French lunch?"

We can take the lower roads to Piermont and if this route turns out good, that could be the route for any X's going to Bear Mountain on Wednesday nights.
I am in for Bastille Day on Saturday.

I actually took the lower road once from the Palisades Pkwy exit #1 all the way to exit #2. The road was pretty bad but did make it in the green was nice and quiet road, but pot holes and bicyclist are around.
I am in for Bastille Day on Saturday.

I actually took the lower road once from the Palisades Pkwy exit #1 all the way to exit #2. The road was pretty bad but did make it in the green was nice and quiet road, but pot holes and bicyclist are around.
Yeah - that road is scenic, but it's the pits to take an X on. What I'm talking about, the lower roads to the left of the PIP thru towns. I know all those roads and they are good.