Next Ferrari Enzo to be a Hybrid

Preemptive strike against the NSX?

We are talking about the Enzo replacement. I don't think Ferrari is thinking of or worried about the NSX... Perhaps the Porsche 918... But not the NSX.
We are talking about the Enzo replacement. I don't think Ferrari is thinking of or worried about the NSX... Perhaps the Porsche 918... But not the NSX.

True, but all high end cars are test beds for future technologies for lower end vehicles. Look at how the F458 is almost as good as, or better than, the last Enzo.
A hybrid car is one that shuts off the gasoline engine when running on its electric one(s) and vice versa. This car is hardly a hybrid.

No, a hybrid means it has two types of power plants. That is all. How it is implemented is irrelevant of the hybrid name designation.
No, a hybrid means it has two types of power plants. That is all. How it is implemented is irrelevant of the hybrid name designation.

You are correct. I just got back from detention where I studied the different types of hybrid systems. I never bothered to even think about them in the first place because I think it's a ridiculous idea spawned out of the great global warming/carbon hoax. Now that I've read up on the latest variations/trends/ideas I am convinced I was right all along.
Soon enough hybrid cars will be known for their performance advantages and we won't have to hear a political speech everytime someone mentions the word hybrid. I doubt the Enzo replacement is a hybrid because it is trying to be green.
I doubt the Enzo replacement is a hybrid because it is trying to be green.

That's exactly why it's going the KERS route.

Read it yourself. Those nutty Europeans are so high off the carbon crack pipe they actually buy and sell carbon credits to each other.
Who says a hybrid can't be fast?