Newbie hoping to own someday!

29 August 2002
Victorville, Ca., USA
Greetings, fellow NSX devotees!

I have loved this car since its inception and have been looking/hoping to own one someday. So, slowly, I have trying to learn about the car, any issues I should know about, insurance, value, etc. Thanks to this site (and all of you I might add) I have discovered more than I would ever need to know - the snap ring issue in the early year models, for example. It looks like I am getting (all too slowly!) closer to being able to properly afford (read - properly maintain) one of these babies.

I have some questions to ask, though.

First, did you purchase through a private party or through a dealer? If private, how difficult was it to arrange a loan from a bank?

On a more practical note, how well does an NSX age? By that I mean do they tend to rattle like other older cars? I have a very well maintained 1991 Eagle Talon turbo that is mechanically sound, but all of the panels and little plastic bits rattle like the dickens. Do older NSXs rattle too?

I am also concerned about tire wear and clutch wear, but I will look up those threads first - I am sure those issues have been very well discussed! Thanks for your time and knowedge in advance.

A (hopefully) future NSX driver.

Welcome Kyle!

I purchased my car through a dealer and didn't have any issues, although I did have a "special" case.

As far as aging goes, I don't think that the NSX ages poorly. The panels are well fastened, and unless the owner didn't take very good care of the car then I don't see any major problems occuring. I'm sure others who have higher mileage cars or have more experience will chime in soon.

Early year NSXs have tire wear issues where the OEM tire wears down between 4-7k miles, although there have been people who changed tire brands(and/or alignment specs) and have had longer(10k+) tire life. It comes down to personal preference. Do you want to have longer tire life or very good handling? Both can be achieved but one or the other has got to give a little. The write up is in the FAQ, be sure to read up on it.

Clutch wear varies from driver to driver. The FAQ has some good info on it as well.

Good Luck

Hi Kyle,

I bought a 91 last month with 20k miles through a dealer in MA. They specialize in exotic cars. They didn't have the 91 when I first went to see them. Once I decided what I wanted and what I wanted to pay they went out and found the NSX for me.

As far as aging goes. Most people think mine is new. Once you look really close you can see there are a couple of rock chips and some wear on the leather. No major rattles. You forget about the minor ones when the tach hits 7000 RPM and the engine is just humming behind you. I think a nice 91 in the mid $30s is a lot of bang for the buck.
Yes welcome too.
I agree the mid $30's is the best value.
I purchased 2 one at $34,9 and one @$35.
You will learn most of the facts about the NSX from this forum.Plus it's fun to plan!!
Good for you..
MYNSX x2 in AZ
Niether one of my NSX's rattle at all.
92' Nope
91' nope
I have had 45k on the odo and not a sign of wear and "need for replacement of the clutch(but did it while we were in there anyway.
I've gotten 20k miles out of my tires with a street alignment set-up I use designed by Mark Basch.

[This message has been edited by MYNSX (edited 29 August 2002).]
Just as another voice here, my 91 NSX is about to turn 100K miles and most people swear my car looks new. There are no rattles to speak of, I did put new seats in mine due to slight wear, but that's it for the interior.

I also put a 2002 emblem on the front too

Very solid, if you find a nice car, you wont feel the age when you are in it, or when other people see it.

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 29 August 2002).]
same here. i have a 91 with 91k miles and people ALWAYS think its a new car. the most popular question im asked (which i think is sort of odd) is what year is it? i say 91 and every time people are astounded. it has no squeaks or rattles and the shifter is as tight as it was when i bought it with 11k miles (and tighter than any car ive bought new, i hate play in the shifter
My '91 NSX has been ridden hard and put away wet. It has 52K miles on it, but 8K of those miles are actual track miles, consisting of maybe 70 track events. NO rattles.

NSX clutch life varies; most last from 30K to 50K miles, and a replacement costs around $2200 including parts and labor. Some people get more (up to 100K) and others less, with variances determined mostly by driver technique.

As for tire wear...

First of all, the OEM tires (Yokohama A022H and Bridgestone RE010) are terrific at what they do - they offer incredibly crisp handling, because they are designed for the individual corners of the NSX, to work with the NSX alignment. You can read all about them in the "Tire Tech" section of the NSX FAQ.

The original '91-93 NSX came with recommended alignment settings that maximized handling at the expense of tire wear. In '93, as a result of a suit by an owner unhappy with his tire life, they changed the alignment settings recommended for all years to extend tire wear with a slight compromise in handling. There are other alignment settings that can extend tire life even further. This, too, is described in the NSX FAQ, in the "Alignment" section.

If you drive your NSX with the usual mix of street driving and occasional hard driving, here is a rough guide to what you can expect for treadlife with the OEM tires:

Revised alignment settings
15"/16" wheels: Front 10-16K miles, rear 8-12K miles
16"/17" wheels: Front 12-20K miles, rear 10-15K miles

Original alignment settings
15"/16" wheels: Front 10-16K miles, rear 4-8K miles
16"/17" wheels: Front 12-20K miles, rear 6-10K miles

You can get somewhat more than that with some other tires on the market, but handling won't be as good as with the OEM tires.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 29 August 2002).]
Originally posted by Veleno:
As far as aging goes, I don't think that the NSX ages poorly. The panels are well fastened, and unless the owner didn't take very good care of the car then I don't see any major problems occuring. I'm sure others who have higher mileage cars or have more experience will chime in soon.

I recently purchased a 91 with 120K miles on it. The paint is still very glossy and interior is in top notch shape. And get this...original clutch was changed at 118K miles. The car was obviously conservatively driven and it is awesome. No rattles and still handles very solid. Best purchase of my life.
'91 and no rattles or movement. All is tight in my camp. Just some minor things to get done like some chips in the front, minor seat wear, stero problems (speakers and cd changer) but other than that? Gas, rubber and oil is all that I have had to do to the car; and oil is clean after time to change and is full and clean. I get a smile everytime i walk out to my car and a grin when I fire her up. Happy searching. Most of them are pretty cherry but you know that one bad apple can ruin the bunch.

8k RPM in a recliner!
I purchased mine from someone on this forum. My bank would finance the NSX as long as it wasn't older than 10 years. Check with your bank and have the finance already in place so when you do find "your" NSX, you'll be ready to go. Don't forget to find out about insurance too. I'm only paying an extra $44 a month for my NSX, but I can only put 5k miles on it in a year. I've only had the NSX for 4 months and have already put on almost's so hard not to drive it. You'll find out. Good luck.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
NSXCA 1650
Thanks everyone!

I am taking this feedback very seriously, but the general consensus is the NSX is a very solidly put together car. All of you out there have done a good job in communicating on this issue. You all seem to understand that I am not just concerned about loose parts, but the solid "feel" that we all seem to want.

I noted that I have an Eagle Talon too: 1991 version, turboed, brake and suspension upgrades, etc. Even though I have had this car since it was new and have really taken care of it, I can sense the age it. I can feel the body flex and squeek on bumps, and can hear the panels too. I wanted to be sure that an NSX has the high level of refinement that it is known for. Thanks!

Thanks also for the "other" advice too: tire life, clutch life, links to get better information, insurance, etc. Trust me, I am looking at those factors too - I have found that failure to maintain things is the root cause of so many unhappy owners (of anything - cars, houses, on and on!).

Finally, I am impressed with the level of knowlege and respect. I post on other chat boards too, and I see so much garbage: the rude comments about what is better, two word smarty pants answers, profanity. It sounds like not only is the NSX on a higher level, its owners are too!

Originally posted by KyleMoto:
I post on other chat boards too, and I see so much garbage: the rude comments about what is better, two word smarty pants answers, profanity. It sounds like not only is the NSX on a higher level, its owners are too!


You got that right skippy!!!