Newbie buying a 95: What should the clutch be like?

29 June 2017
Question. I am nearing purchase on a 95 NSX-T with highish miles. On the test drive, I noticed the clutch catch point and takeup, especially in first gear, was very high on the pedal. It would take some getting used to. Once shifting to second, third etc. it was fine but I kept thinking that clutch isn't right.

Is that normal? I know it had the master and slave replaced recently.

Also, the steering is really interesting with the variable assist.

Thanks if you guys will respond!!
I recall (when first driving my NSX) that the clutch pedal felt "high" too...but it seems the same in all gears and I got used to it quite quickly (and now I don't notice it at all).
Yes - the engagement point is fairly high and fairly narrow. Takes a bit to drive smoothly in stop and go traffic. Really concentrate on gradual throttle application as the clutch is engaging to get a smooth take off. I think a lot of people get the smooth take off by revving the engine and slipping the clutch a lot. Gives you a smooth take off at the expense of a short clutch life. If the owner has replaced the OEM clutch with an aftermarket clutch, then the friction point will be even narrower.
Purchased a 95 in November 2016. Felt my clutch had the same issues and 73,000 miles. Agree with TomCat. Got used to it and have no issues.
Nothing out of the ordinary here. I'll let others chime in, but I believe it is the nature of the OEM dual plate clutch setup that gives us owners (and the people who work on them) the impression that the clutch has reached the end of its useful life when in actuality there is plenty of life left.
For anyone else searching the forums out there I agree that my first test drive of an NSX I noticed the same thing with the clutch and the variable power steering assist threw me for a loop at first.
Just purchased my 95 and to me it feels like all 90's civic and I've driven a lot lol, pedal is springy and catch high. You get use to it fast ��