Newbie ("Acura Diet" guy) - and the Saga continues!!!

11 July 2007
After a long week-end of consternation and second guessing, it looks like I have reached a decision on the sale of my '05 NSX.

First, a lot of people were interested in the car. A guy (who will remain unnamed) called me Friday night and we reached a verbal agreement for the sale. He was going to call me today and make payment (wire xfer) arrangements, and I was going to trailer the car to him this week-end.

Saturday, I went out and tried to start the car. After six weeks idle, no way, so I hooked up the battery charger. For the rest of the week-end, I pondered whether or not I really wanted to sell it, but I knew that I would stick to my word.

Today (Monday), the prospective buyer called me and said that he had changed his mind. I was actually relieved!

Since I had only driven the car 10-15 miles since I bought it, I decided to take it out for a cruise. Beautiful day, top down, backroads of Kentucky, up and down the hills, through the "twisties", it was a blast!

Driving the NSX is a truly exhilerating experience!

I have decided not to sell the car at this time. I called Matt at HRE and told him to go ahead and ship the new wheels. I went to the body shop and we mapped out a "plan of attack" to lower the seats to get more head room. I went to the upholstery shop to get help planning some seat mods to help get more "rear end" room.

It looks like "Acura Diet, Round 2" is off and running!

I hope all the mods work out OK, both car and personal. I also plan on bringing my car to the gathering in Columbus, OH next month. I look forward to meeting some forum members. I will be easy to find. I be the old, 6'5" "fat guy" who looks like he could never fit into an NSX ! Not to bother, though, I can take it.

For now, I am happy to say:

"I'm Back!!!!!
I'm glad your giving it a second chance. I know it is harder for "big" people to start excercising. I would recommend just walking around the block and build yourself up for a 30 minute walk daily. The first 2 weeks will be difficult, but after that, you will find it very relaxing. The weigh will come off. Since you are a big guy, you should easily loose 20 pounds. Once the first 20 pounds come off, you will have more energy to continue to excercise. I hope you take my comments as being supportive which was my intend. BTW, cut down down on the carbs (like chips and twinkies). Good luck.:smile:
We here at prime take pride in our ability to keep people obsessed with NSX's what ever cost neccessary. Enjoy the car and it looks like a win/win/win situation to me.
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Good for you. Think of as a great challenge. If/WHEN you suceed, not only will you be much healthier but you reward is that you get to enjoy your NSX!!

Post your regimen in the OT section. We can all make some recs and also cheer you on to your goal.

Just a bit of advise - strengthening, and a proper diet are the key. If you are over 50 then you should definetly consult your PCP before starting on your regimen. PM me if you have questions.
Dont overlook the seat cushion options. Those are the easiest way to sit lower in the car. You can free up 2 inches just by swapping.

Something like this. I bought one used off of this forum.
Good luck on the diet. The things we do for the NSX!

Personally, I started my first diet on Jan 1, 2007. Made my first New Year's resolution. My goal, lose 40 lbs. this year. Well, I've lost 33 pounds (without excercise) and that last 7 pounds is a bear! Guess I'll have to break down and do some physical stuff.

The diet is real simple. For every 10 pounds you want to weigh, eat 15 calories a day. So if you want to be 100 lbs. NEVER eat more than 1500 calories. It's worked for me. I don't try to figure out good stuff vs. bad stuff. Just add up calories and don't cheat.

Wish you good luck with the NSX project and the diet.
Dont overlook the seat cushion options. Those are the easiest way to sit lower in the car. You can free up 2 inches just by swapping.

Something like this. I bought one used off of this forum.

Seat cushion... Come on Dave, if I fit fine you fit fine... was the NSX messing with your do? :biggrin:
Dont overlook the seat cushion options. Those are the easiest way to sit lower in the car. You can free up 2 inches just by swapping.

Something like this. I bought one used off of this forum.

What the heck is that supposed to be a picture of? :confused: Looks like a standard NSX seat to me. Half the time on Dali's site I can't tell whether the product is real or they're just yanking our chain.

I know with the Miata a lot of guys perform what's known as a foamectomy :biggrin: to gain additional headroom. I'm a big guy, but at only 5'9" headroom is the least of my concerns in either car. Good luck to the OP in your quest for additional headroom and comfort in your NSX.