New York Driver Nabbed While Watching Porn Movie

Too funny.

I pulled up behind an SUV with my 2 daughters one time, and I could see a flip down LCD thru the rear glass. I told my girls that they were watching a cartoon ahead of us, but when we got close enough, it was actually hard core porn, clear as could be. I was sitting at the red light trying to distract my daughters, who were really interested in seeing the cartoon I was talking about. A very uncomfortable 45 seconds!
Just be sure you grab the right KNOB when the light changes:eek:
I saw this happening here in Austin back in '98, I was coming back from Sears (had just purchased my standing toolbox), and the guy in front of me (lowered Cadillac) was playing a pr0n video on the two LCDs in the back of the headrests. Apparently it's not so they can watch it, it's just another way of showing off. He had no problelm driving on public roads more than 20 miles, up Mopac and around to the other end of town, with the video playing, and didn't get stopped by the Police (if I had a cellphone, I would have called him in, for the video and for weaving through lanes and the shoulders on the highway).

Oh, to be :cool: .