New York Auto Show

17 February 2001
I went to the auto show yesterday, and it was actually disappointing. Acura had a red NSX on display, but it was obvious that they were not promoting it. All of their efforts seem to have been directed towards their luxury cars and to the new Rsx. There wasn't even anyone from Acura who was qualified to discuss anything about a future NSX model. All of my questions were met with blank stares and shoulder shrugs.
The trend with all of the manufacturers seemed to be cars that are already significantly "riced out", except the Germans. Ferrari wasn't even there, I guess they're not worried about promotions.Very disturbing was a Porsche Boxster with a bike rack installed. There were a couple of Diablos, but the most visually stunning car, by far, was the Saleen. I really thought that Acura would have had some info on the next generation NSX, but I guess it's too early. Maybe they're intentionally keeping everyone guessing. I do believe, however, after seeing the range of cars at the show, that there is a strong need for a car like the NSX in it's cost-to-performance catagory.
I really think it's a matter of image in this country. While we know how wonderful the NSX is and we own them for the performance and joy they give us, most people don't appear to be impressed by a high-performance car from Honda. After seeing all of the other cars, even if I had the money to buy any of them, I know I would stick with the NSX. ( ok,maybe the Saleen
Unlike some other manufacturers, Honda/Acura rarely gives any information out about an upcoming model until a few months before it hits the market. And they are extremely good at keeping their secrets before then.

Also, my experience with auto shows is that, with rare exceptions, they are staffed by dealer personnel. So it's like walking into an Acura dealership at random, and talking to a salesman at random. As we know, many Acura dealers are not knowledgeable about the NSX, and even among those who are, it varies from one employee to another.
My theory is that Honda is waiting for some significant success in their Formula 1 effort to introduce the next NSX, so they can market it in relation to F1. However, Looks like BMW will beat Honda to claim the first non Ferrari/Maclaren F-1 championship.

My club for infos on my NSX.