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12 April 2005
89 Is The Best Way Now I Havent Mastered It Yet On The Sizes But Try The Free Download Trial And Then Left Side Of The Page Click The Square Next To Source Foulder Then On The Right Side Select The Size Amount. But Thats The Part I Havent Mastered Yet The Size Amount. Once Someone Finds It Pm Me Or Post The Acurate Picture Size.
Please take this only as constructive criticism meant in a positive way. Your posts are extremely difficult to read and decipher because of an apparent abandonment of proper English and grammar combined with an obsessive compulsive use of upper case first letters in every word. I apologize if this is evidence of a reading/learning disability but if it is not, it would be appreciated if you take a moment to think before you type.
If you think anyone is going to take you seriously then the simple, common courtesy of actually posting in English without the annoying use of upper case letters will make your posts make more sense. Caps lock would not result in only first letters being capitalized so unless you aspire to be the antithesis of e.e. cummings try a little harder to refrain from this "look at me" cry for attention.
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hey you have nothing better to do? well since your mother and father are cousins u feel the need to just check punctuation in people post for attention? corney! you are trying to piss me off? try harder.
anderson152 said:
hey you have nothing better to do? well since your mother and father are cousins u feel the need to just check punctuation in people post for attention? corney! you are trying to piss me off? try harder.

Im sorry but this is uncalled for... BOB is a senior prime member and a good guy. He's trying to tell you the proper etiquette so your PRIME experience is more enjoyable.
I also have trouble understanding you post. I don't know when to stop reading without punctuation.
I frequently post threads without double reading. But I go back and correct them when I do catch my mistakes. There are lots of foreign members on this site with second language difficulty. They know that and they try their best to communicate. No need to call people names or get personal.
Maybe you can repost with corrections. Thanks.
Unfortunately, these posts along with several other similarly indecipherable as well as juvenile rantings have demonstrated your true nature. My suggestions to you were for your benefit to make your stay on Prime to be welcome and to serve as a reminder that this is not a Civic forum where immaturity is tolerated if not outright encouraged. You freely chose to seek a path generally reserved for the troll population on forums which ultimately leads to a lonely death in cyberspace.

I gave you the opportunity to demonstrate an ability to understand, appreciate and follow a certain etiquette that the NSX community has followed on this site generously hosted by Lud. If you feel the need to remind everyone that you are incapable of a certain level of maturity then I hope you enjoy reading your own posts and trust your sense of self-importance is placated sufficiently by such solitude because no one else will care what you have to say.
RSO 34 said:
Unfortunately, these posts along with several other similarly indecipherable as well as juvenile rantings have demonstrated your true nature. My suggestions to you were for your benefit to make your stay on Prime to be welcome and to serve as a reminder that this is not a Civic forum where immaturity is tolerated if not outright encouraged. You freely chose to seek a path generally reserved for the troll population on forums which ultimately leads to a lonely death in cyberspace.

I gave you the opportunity to demonstrate an ability to understand, appreciate and follow a certain etiquette that the NSX community has followed on this site generously hosted by Lud. If you feel the need to remind everyone that you are incapable of a certain level of maturity then I hope you enjoy reading your own posts and trust your sense of self-importance is placated sufficiently by such solitude because no one else will care what you have to say.


easy with the diction... not all of us went to college :wink: LOL
For the record Im referring to myself so everyone dont flame me just yet.

easy with the diction... not all of us went to college :wink: LOL
For the record Im referring to myself so everyone dont flame me just yet.

Mike, you may not have gone to college, but you've definitely been "schooled"!!!!! You are a learned and educated SOB- :rolleyes:
thanks guys. now we are getting somewhere. now only if i can get everyone to respond like this when its time for us to get together for ride!
:rolleyes: I Think I Am If Going Try This Right No Teacher Drive English Bull Stupid Am Not OK? :confused:
Picture Small Now.GOod. :biggrin:
I love you guys! :biggrin:

We have taken our little "encounter" private through PMs and all is well in the land of Prime. We can all loosen the noose again.
Ok,,now that you have been "baptised" welcome! :wink:
we have kissed and made up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice to see you guys level & peaceful. having talked to mike anderson, he's a good man, in love with his new nsx, and unfortuately,susceptible to the same squawks that we all have had with our cars. please support his new addiction.....

mike's posts are tough on the mind, but his style i like....
the written word is dead, rplaced bi static, :smile: , & uta gabage.
hello franglish!!! ready to give up capital letters too!!!

joe...... :rolleyes:

we need to cruise anderson....gotta see yer silverbird

dr jonathan a. liegner dmd
[not really a doctor...a dentist...] :wink:
after seeing your nsx i really had to take it up a level and get new rims! cant post pics yet because my digital camera posts them to large. i get the car back today from the dealer (timing change) today. I really wanna come up there very soon. anytime this weekend is good? saturday evening or anytime all day sunday is good. I met a cool guy by delivering his mail who has one (with many mods) name dave who is registered here also. I thank you guys because you have greeted me with open arms since i got the car. i will pm you when i get the car back today. I will be busy today because i supposed to close the deal on my second house at 5pm(god willing) and after that i have to train for another fight i supposed to have very soon.
RSO 34 said:
I love you guys! :biggrin:

We have taken our little "encounter" private through PMs and all is well in the land of Prime. We can all loosen the noose again.

This is special on this forum. We are together as a whole.You dont see this realtionship often on other forums. ( I am about to shed a few tears)Personal attacks can go on for days , or weeks sometimes on other sites..
Like Docjohn said to me at my first NSXPO last year,"This is a special group of people."
I stayed out of the earlier fracas. Not to beat a dead horse, but your last post was much more enjoyable to read than any other. Seriously, it's just a lot easier to follow. Looking forward to meeting you at one of this summer's events. Congrads on the new ride. I've had mine for a year now, and I'm still giddy.

When,where and what is this "fight"?
i was just told august 20th in philly!! thats kinda far from now but i will keep you posted if something earlier comes up.