New Viper Coupe pics


Experienced Member
26 March 2000
Chicago, IL
I think this is a concept model?









I saw these on fchat but couldnt find a source to post them....

Personally, I love it. It think it looks great. I wonder how much HP it will have.

Remember Dodge had this car long before the C6. So I think you should say the opposity about the badges...
I really see a lot of RX-7 on the side profile...

What is up with the door panel on the 4th pic down... looks really bad.
There's just something about the styling that I don't like. It's almost like they got a group of 5th grade boys to design it. Not horrible, just not me.
It was also at the 8th viper owners invitational





Pictures from CMT on

Finally they brought a coupe into the playing field besides the 115k non street leagal competiton coupe. I could see this joning the other vipers in the parents stable.
It's still fugly in a brutish kinda way.... ;) When you buy one, does it come with a pit bull mascot, steroid muscle-enhancement kit and out of a bottle blonde bimbette? :D
I like it except for two things...

I don't like how the tail forms a hood over the someone said, it looks like a kit car.

And the stripes...I wish they were just two straight lines like all previous GTS and muscle cars. This one seems to follow the bulge on the hood, but I still think it would look better and less amatuerish if they were stripes were just the same thickness all the way through.
I like it as well.. very aggressive styling and power to match.. Just like some think it looks like a 3rd gen Rx7, i've heard lots saying our NSX' look like a stretched out version of the MK2 MR2.. which at first I was like :rolleyes: but owning both, i would have to agree lol :D

But seriously, that viper looks tough.. Our NSX' wont be able to touch it in any performance category much less even hang with it at any speed. But as always, there are both advantages and disadvantages to every car!
i LOVE that viper!! I hate the new SRT-10s...they look too damn plain. The GTS has always pulled on my heart strings and they kept hte styling, just boxed it up a bit more. (I still like the older GTSs better!)

Whoever said it looks like a new vette is nuts. I've seen like 20 new vettes on the road already and they're fugly dude...they're smaller, and the exhaust tips bounce up and down, the reverse lights in the back are tacky and misplaced, the bumper is still flexing and all around it sucks. i do like the headlightss i guess :rolleyes:

I've ALWAYS said the 3rd gen RX7 looked like a 'mini-viper' in fact, back in 96 when the GTS came out and even bfore with the rt-10, i always told my mom that the RX7 was a 'minature viper'. i was 10-13 years old back then :) didn't know too much about cars
Well, that's the competition coupe. Which they have already produced in small numbers to race teams at around $125-150,000 I believe. Now we see the toned down production version which doesn't lose much of the flair of the Comp Coupe, just is the everyday 500HP version :)