New username = new pictures

25 September 2002
San Diego, CA
Hey guys! Took some new pictures :)

Finally, the wheels are here!

On loop 101


Great car(s), nice rims, super pics. Why the change in name ("AZ" was for "Arizona" right? Have you moved? Nice to also know that post-count does not get deleted by altering the username).


scNSXgirl, great pics! after seeing the engine bay I could see a name change was in order. how do you like your new toy?

Best Regards David
What kind of wheels are on the Black car? They're really sharp!! :p

scNSXgirl said:
Finally, the wheels are here!
Re: Re: New username = new pictures

ss_md said:
What kind of wheels are on the Black car? They're really sharp!! :p
I believe that the rims are Advan Kruzers. Looks really awesome! Good luck with both cars.:)
scgirl,how much faster is that baschbooster?thinking about getting one on mine.:)
BTW you are one fine looker!
NSXaholic said:
Great car(s), nice rims, super pics. Why the change in name ("AZ" was for "Arizona" right? Have you moved? Nice to also know that post-count does not get deleted by altering the username).



AZ may be Arizona...

AZN most of time stands for Asian

only scNSXgirl could tell u....
Thanks for the kind compliments!

Still here in AZ but I may move to southern cali or chicago this summer for my internship.

Changed my username because I supercharged my silver NSX :)
Thank you Lud for changing my username for me!

Mark B. still have my car, I'll test it out next week and let you guys know how much faster the car is.

The wheels on the black NSX are Advan Kreuzer Series V in Bronze and they are 17/18 with AVS ES100. Took almost 5 months to get these wheels. But I love em!

Got new wheels for my Elment, too!
Did Mark change the relief valve on the supercharger?

Yours looks significantly different than the cheapie black plastic one that is installed on mine.
Hey Yvonne

Nice new Advans on the black car!! Finally they got here =)

The silver car is looking real good too! I was watching Mark tune in your AEM the other day it was pretty cool....BTW congrats on the BIG (novi 2000) BBSC!! I am sure your car is sooo fast now, I will not even try and keep up anymore!

Love the new wheels, and that supercharger sounds mean! :) Very nice upgrades!

About the name change, I almost thought you were moving to South Carolina! LOL

See you Saturday!
Sig said:
Did Mark change the relief valve on the supercharger?

Yours looks significantly different than the cheapie black plastic one that is installed on mine.

I beleive thats the new BOV that Mark is using with the AEM setup.
Love the pictures!

Too bad about the name change though... azNSXgirl had a certain lure of mystery about it (as nsxaholic points out... we didnt know the real meaning of your name)
Lovely pictures (and owner).

Makes me wonder just how much female NSX-owners there are and how many of them are on NSXprime.
I know of one UK female NSX-owner with a original black/ivory Acura NSX and that's the only one I've ever met.
So are you going to change your username next week so we can look forward to more pictures??? :D

20 out of 10 points (10 for the nsx's & 10 points for ......*pause*... the cactus :p )
PHOEN$X said:
Love the new wheels, and that supercharger sounds mean! :) Very nice upgrades!

About the name change, I almost thought you were moving to South Carolina! LOL

See you Saturday!

Come on down!!! ;) :D