New to the forum! Looking forward to being an owner in 6 months!

31 August 2005
New Jersey
Just wanted to say hello to the forum! I just sold my '02 M3 - and just completed step 1 in my NSX Plan: my daily driver is now an '04 S2K! Fun, cheap, reliable car to get me to through my commute to the airport, train station etc. Step 2 is to purchase an '02 or newer NSX, and I will DEFINITELY do my research and use all of the resources/info on NSX prime in order to achieve Step 3: BLISS! :biggrin: After reading some of the posts today - I thought maybe I should check into Acura's lease specials on new NSX's. Where can I find the details on their leases?
Thanks in advance guys - and look forward to becoming a contributing owner/member in the near future!
Thanks guys - I checked of course, no mention of the NSX lease, I thought maybe it is not posted b/c of the limited NSX production. Either way, I'll purchase a pre-owned '02 or newer. The hard part has already been accomplished - the wife has already agreed :wink: