New sports car doubles as boat

A $235,000 Miata? No thanks.

Do you know how many NSXs that buys? Hrm a 94, a Zanardi, a new 03 and enough cash left over for a SeaRay to boot!
i saw this too.... it's being labelled as "the car James Bond would be proud of."

Only problem is there are no doors -- they're fixed so there's no chance of leaking seals. So much for the gull-wing doors idea! :D

So when is Acura releasing an aquatic NSX??? :D
I'm just wondering exactly how reliable this car is. Imagine having a breakdown out at sea...
akira3d I'm just wondering exactly how reliable this car is. Imagine having a breakdown out at sea...

with a sticker price of the $235,000. they better have some sort of "roadside assistance".

I hope that the vehicle would equip with GPS with the OnStar thing. If not, the owner will have a real hard time trying to tell them where he's at, without GPS, I doubt the normal cell phone is going to work...... :p

you can imagine that, "eh... I don't know where I'm at, but you guys better come here soon cuz I'm sailing towards offshore..."