New (shorter) Geek Test

You're 47.73% Geek!

shit, im still a freggin geek!

I am a non-geek :)

You sad creature. You are such a Non-Geek.
You have no interest in anything that is not of earthly existance-- You're so non-geek it's amazing you managed to switch on a computer to take this test! Spending so much time in the tanning bed or on the football feild will actually decrease your life span. Have a nice day!
now i'm confused

This is what i got! :confused:

<B>How pathetic! You're a Fake Geek!
You're 36.36% Geek!</B>

I'm a fake geek?!??!?! Nooooooooo.........
How can i ever work in IT again!!?!?!? :p