New Rx7forums and Over 200+ street racing videos of Rx7's, Supras, NSX, Porsche,

28 January 2002
Just wanted to let you guys know about a new Rx7 forums located at I know many of you have either raced them or thought about buying them before you bought your NSX or sold it to buy your NSX. Either way wanted to invite all of you over there to see whats going on and join in on the chats. Also there are over 200+ street racing videos for you downloading enjoymnet. You will have to register on the forum but its worth the 30 seconds to do so. Also if you guys need some parts click on the banner up top. they currently only have rx7 parts on the store but are adding all the parts your looking for on a NSX. They can get you anything you need at the lowest prices around

Thanks for the bandwidth.