New designs

4 April 2002
Sacramento CA
Well, while cogitating on the new F-1 rules, I'm thinking that fuel conservation and also the tire conservation that will also follow will result in some boring qualifying and races. Make me go Hmmmmmmm. :rolleyes:

So, it kind of blows my mind that I turn around and see the DeltaWing that makes me pause. :eek: Ya know, I actually like the potential IRL idea of leaving spec racing behind and letting 4 different manufacturers create 4 different designs.

With Roger Penske and the Chipster behind these changes, Indycar could, just could, capture my interest again like it's 1999. :smile:

I say Bring it on.
Agreed. It looks like Indy is about to get interesting again.

Having seen how many variations of cars there were ay Indy historically- all the different chassis, and power plants- in some cases cars that people built in their own garages- I'd love to see the drop of spec, but still have parity.

Seeing a variety of different formats on the track I think would do more to drive innovation, whereas a spec series is pretty much inventions enemy.

Chip and his delta wing, he's chewing on the wacky tobacy again. That's not an open wheel car, in my opinion. I'm all for opening the competition for multiple chassis, but all 4 wheels being exposed is fundamental.

Mr Penske will always work the rules to his advantage, but he who has the most $, makes the rules. 33 cars, multiple engines and chassis, same old winner at Indy. But hopefully some more interest.

Re: Buckeroo Randy

Can this guy save the Earl and make it interesting/profitable? From my experience, it is possible for an outside guy, using the right "process" and winning over the key players, like Chip and the Captain, to turn a company around. But he'll have $hitload of ideas and opinions to manage and coalesce into a single vision.

I'll be the first to applaude him when the pundits like Miller and Despain say he has turned it around. But in the mean time, we'll have to suffer thru media hype, listening to a bunch of trumped up fluffy "stories under the helmet" and hear about crap like dancing drivers and probably a Batchelor show as well. :rolleyes:

And, just maybe a new generation of casual viewers will decide NASCAR is too old hat and blase and "discover" formula cars? Yeah, right, who am I kidding? :redface: But maybe the other stars will align and we'll have interesting American OW racing like 18-20 years ago. Like waiting for the economy, one can hope. :biggrin:
Re: <Yawn> did I hear that something did (not) happen?

Dallara.............only????? :rolleyes:

Aw $hit, I was hoping for a real shakeup. Guess I'll go back to sleep. :rolleyes:

From the article and some other reports, Dallara will make the tub and provide their own 'bolt on' parts such as the wings, undertray, etc, and the other companies will be able to provide their own versions. I would rather allow for full freedom of choice for the car, but at least this compromise does provide for some variation.:tongue:
I'm trying to look at the tub as roughly equivalent to the tires; a single source is not all bad.

Re: OK, not as bad as I thought

I would rather allow for full freedom of choice for the car, but at least this compromise does provide for some variation.
Thanks for reading the article, something I was too busy (lazy) to do. :redface:
It's interesting that this year still allows for KERS even though no one is using it. Do you think it might start to make a comeback next year?
Re: Too good to be true???

Can this guy save the Earl and make it interesting/profitable? From my experience, it is possible for an outside guy, using the right "process" and winning over the key players, like Chip and the Captain, to turn a company around. But he'll have $hitload of ideas and opinions to manage and coalesce into a single vision.

I'll be the first to applaude him when the pundits like Miller and Despain say he has turned it around. But in the mean time, we'll have to suffer thru media hype, listening to a bunch of trumped up fluffy "stories under the helmet" and hear about crap like dancing drivers and probably a Batchelor show as well. :rolleyes:

And, just maybe a new generation of casual viewers will decide NASCAR is too old hat and blase and "discover" formula cars? Yeah, right, who am I kidding? :redface: But maybe the other stars will align and we'll have interesting American OW racing like 18-20 years ago. Like waiting for the economy, one can hope. :biggrin:
Well, here we are months later and the buzz is positive. Whodathunkit?

Robin Miller's excited? Holy crap !!! "Two old curmudgeons like me and Chip Ganassi actually saying something positive about IndyCar, something's going right!!! " Are you kidding me? Miller said that??? :eek:

And a rules committee (not a political hodge-podge of team owners?) apparently did their homework and should get a lot of credit for making these positive changes? Wow. Let me reiterate: Wow. :cool:

"Relevence, Technology & Innovation" Despain is suggesting that something mirroring the halcyon days of IndyCar could return with direct injection Turbo V-6 engines on alternative fuels??

OK, now it's sounding too good. :rolleyes: Time to take a chill pill. Wake me when it's over. :redface:
Re: 2011, not Bernard's first rodeo

This cowboy Randy Bernard :cool: is pretty phuqing interesting, ain't he? !!!! Now he wants to bring back 2003 cars and break the Indy 500 speed record !!! :eek: And here for years, I thought they were trying to slow the cars down in the interest of safety. Guess I dreamed it. :redface:

Now I may be a Certified BudLight Real Man of Genius, but Ida never come up with this !!. :rolleyes: