New/Prospective owners: Show how much you care

20 April 2003
Greenville, SC
I know this might get moved or deleted, but I have been a member here for a good, long time, but only finally got around to clicking the "Support NSX Prime" button at the top of the page and making a donation today. I should have done it long ago, as the info this site provides is well worth that measly amount that really goes a long way towards helping defray the costs of making this site possible. I noticed a lot of "registered members" and many of those with tons of posts, but not as many "sponsors". This thread was just a reminder to all the others here who are benefitting from the site (and who, like me, would go through major DT's without it here) to remember to say "thanks" to whoever the person here is that made the site available, so that we could all share and learn from one another. I know not everyone will ante up, but if only a few others took this to heart, it would be well appreciated, I am certain.
That is all, climbing down off my soapbox now....

(PS- This message was totally unsolicited!)
Just read you thread and donated as well. I had no idea how easy it was. I inquired about doing this a while ago but I seemed like a hassle but in reality it was simple, Do it and show some LOVE :wink:
I have made my donation. I would be completely lost in my search for an NSX without NSX prime. Thanks
