New Prospective owner

8 September 2004
Hi, I have been saving my money for two years now on hoping to buy a used early to mid 90's NSX. I am 19 years old and this has been my dream car. I am just wondering on what the repair costs are on these. I will also have to start paying for premium car insurence which is a VERY good chunk of change when your 19. If you guys could just post your approximate yearly repair and upkeep costs on your X that would be great.

I cant tell you how excited i am after working so hard for quite a while, just on saving for this car. Any other imput would be greatly appreciated. :cool:
I hate to break it to you, but a 19 year old that has been saving his money to buy on a sports car is foolish. The NSX came out when I was 18 and I have been infatuatued with it ever since. However, I spent my money on an education, got a good job and now have the finances to support owning an NSX.

I bought a 95 NSX-T a few months ago and spent about $3k replacing the timing belt, tires, and some other necessities. Unless you plan on burying yourself in credit card debt, I would suggest looking at something else and waiting until the purchase of a sports car makes more sense.

A couple other thoughts...What will you do if the tranny goes? That will be a lot of $$$$$. Or the clutch, any engine problems, etc. etc.

This is not a toy for a 19 year old, sorry for delivering the buzz kill.
Good luck finding an NSX. There are a few out there in the low-$20K region, and you may have to put $3-5K into a car like that to make it mechanically sound. However, there are many worse cars you could be daily driving for $25K!!

Welcome to NSX Prime.
Sorry, I weigh in with Brocz on this one. Education, education, education, then house then maybe a toy. The economy is still to weak to tie all your money up in a toy, IMO.

I am not saying don't buy a fun car - but maybe consider one less expensive, cheaper to maintain if something breaks, even in the unliklihood of that happening on an NSX.

Oh - one last tid-bit, no credit card debt - ever! That is the road to the poor house for sure- that was probably one of the wisest things my parents ever taught me, and they were right in my opinion. But who am I to give advice - nobody. It is just the way I have lived and I am pretty comfortable.
Why do you care what this guy drives, and who cares if he's 19? My father used to occasionally let me drive his 1991 NSX when I was 16, and it wasn't "too much to handle". Just because you didn't have an NSX at 19 doesn't mean he can't have one. Please spare the lectures.
Hoss, they are not saying that because he is 19, the NSX is "too much to handle". They are giving wise financial advice. I made the mistake of buying too much car when I was young and still living at home. It is a big mistake. Get your education, get a house (preferrable with a garage), then the NSX.

I know this is not what a young person wants to hear, but it is the truth. My advice is to get a reliable beater car that will get you through the tough times and if you really want an adrenaline rush, get a used sportbike. Just be safe with it.

Good luck
I, for one, salute degochapa's honesty and wiseness. Unlike many 19 year olds (or even older kids) who come here and ask immature questions, it appears degochapa has done and *is* doing everything right. He says he has been saving $$$, and has looked at insurance costs, and is now is asking advice on maintenance costs. A very mature approach that I sincerely applaud. Since degochapa appears more mature than his age, I'm sure he has realized that education should be his first priority at 19. But who says he has not taken care of that financial burden already? In case he has, he's free to look at a "toy" if he finds out which one he can afford. In case however he hasn't taken care of the financial aspect of his education, he should maybe then do this... 1) reconsider his priorities 2) continue saving for an NSX.
Just consider these facts of Now versus 4-5 years from now:
Degochapa is now 19, insurance is top $$$
He is looking for a early model
He needs to concentrate on education

4-5 years:
he will be 24-25 with lower insurance costs
more $$$ saved
education out of the way
he is looking for 1997-1998 model
had he bought a 1991 model, this car is now +18 years old

I'm sure Degochapa knows what's best for him ;)

P.S. if Degochapa thinks the NSX will bring him more chicks in college, he should think again :D
Hoss4272 said:
Why do you care what this guy drives, and who cares if he's 19? My father used to occasionally let me drive his 1991 NSX when I was 16, and it wasn't "too much to handle". Just because you didn't have an NSX at 19 doesn't mean he can't have one. Please spare the lectures.

Hoss, the only "added value" of your remark is that you just wanted to let everyone know that your daddy has/had an NSX and you drove one when you were 16. You should take example of Degochapa's wiseness and stop acting like a spoiled brad.
Lecture's over.

So much anger!!!

apapada said:
Hoss, the only "added value" of your remark is that you just wanted to let everyone know that your daddy has/had an NSX and you drove one when you were 16. You should take example of Degochapa's wiseness and stop acting like a spoiled brad.
Lecture's over.
I will not talk to you like your father, rather attempt to answer your questions.
I applaude you for your approach to NSX ownership. If in fact you have the means for upkeep, Maintenance,insurance,etc then consider the following:

Purchase price: $22,000-$30,000 +-

If you purchase a 1991 after searching for less than three months, expect the car to have issues.

If you really research common faulty items that WILL fail with time:
NSX Prime maintence costs, click here:

Items that WILL fail:
Bose speaker/amps
window regulators
*snap ring range transmission, (possible)
struts for lids/decks

Items to really consider:

Timing belt replaced
water pump/hose replaced, (see faq recall notice-possible goodwill item.)
clutch worn
tire tread left/alignment
brake pad wear/replaced
driver seat bolster worn

BEFORE you look at any car, get a carfax AND estimate costs of the above items. Also ALWAYS use the NSX checklist and don't skip one item.

click here:

Other issues to consider;
Modifications done on the car? Research to death any mods and how they effect the car, ie;turbo=possibility of blowing motor,etc.

Ok, now the hard part, Insurance. You being all of 19 years old your premium will be out of site. You must consider this amount in your purchase price. Allow one year of insurance premiums in your purchase price.

Scheduled maintence costs. Find out from your local Acura dealer what the exact charges are for upcoming scheduled maintence on your prospective NSX is. Allow this cost in your purchase price.

Now after you have compiled all this data, you may now start looking for an NSX. If you do it any other way you will be selling it within 6 months.
Your cost sheet should look something like this:

Cost of car______
Cost of insurance for one year______
Cost of immediate repairs______(timing belt, tires,Bose speakers, etc.)
Cost of scheduled maintence_______
Cost of airline tickets to look at NSX's_____
Owning a NSX..........Priceless!

It took me 3-1/2 years of searching for a NSX. I looked at 6-8 different NSX's before I found my red herring. I did not get "Gotta-have-it-now-itus."
I found my NSX and did not compromise on color,mods, etc. I have put minimal money into the car and it is everything I wanted. Every NSX was looked over with the NSX checklist and I always told the owner beforehand, "This may take some time, I hope you don't mind."

I bought my NSX for about $7000 less than the avarage selling price of an NSX in this condition. Did you get that....$7000 less! This only occured because I waited for the Right NSX and got an incredible deal. Not all buyers should follow this drawn out procedure and not all will save $7000, sometimes a deal can be right before your eyes and the only way you will know is be being very well versed in the NSX in every detail. If you don't know what your looking at you have no business looking at all.

Remember to react upon intellect, not emotion!

Now with this all said, you DO have your college costs taken care of?
You do have all the funds for all the items listed above?
You do have funds for all other everyday living expenses?
You did all the research as listed above?

If you can answer yes to the above questions, then buy an NSX. If you answer no to any, then wait. Simply put.

Good luck,




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Thank you for your kind words. I believe the things listed apply to any new prospective owner. One word of advice I forgot was to shy away from auction sites. How can anyone invest that amount of money sight unseen?
There are too many e bay cars that look good on your computer screen but fail the up close and personel litmus test.

Anyway, Thanks again apapada for your kind words.

You have some great advice here.

Skyguy has some EXCELLENT comments - the only advice I'd phrase differently is...

skyguy said:

If you purchase a 1991 after searching for less than three months, expect the car to have issues.

Buying an NSX will be right place right time venture. It's not how long you search, but rather knowing what to look for and asking the right questions.

I believe everyones initial reaction to a 19 year old buying an NSX is that most 19 year olds will not be responsible or financially secure enough to take care of their new purchase. There are certainly exceptions to the rule - and you might be one of them.

good luck - I'm sure you will have your NSX sooner or later. :)
Ok thank you. I am going to school right now and planning on finishing my education within two more years. I am lucky to have parents that pay for my education, that is how i ended up with all this extra cash. I am jewish so i am very good at saving :p .
My friends father owns a dealership so he goes to these dealership auctions where you can every once in a while find a car for a great deal that now one else wants. For instance he bought a 97 Dodge Viper for $20,000. He only had to replace the front bumper. That is how i would be getting an nsx for cheaper then regular.
The only reason why i would have liked to buy one now is i might not be able to buy one after i buy a house and have kids. Then i would have to wait until i am in my late 40's to buy one. No offense to anyone seriously, but i didnt want to look like i was having a mid life crises and went out and bought an nsx, ya know? :confused:
However i did decide to just save my money. I currently own a 1990 Nissan 300zx and it is just fine for me right now ;) . I will be checking up on the forums though every few days or so. Just because i am not getting an X now, doesnt still make it my favorite car :) Thanks for the input guys!
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