New Owner


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
Well, I did it! Got home Saturday night with my 92 BBSC NSX. Can't get enough of it! First, I want to thank Lud and all the contributors of Prime for the information amassed here. It helps a newbie a great deal. I have been lurking on Prime for about a year and a half, just sponging in the information, etc. This forum is a benchmark that few others will ever attain, primarily because of the mature nature of the contributions/posts.

While I have long thought that the NSX was an appealing car and an engineering milestone of sorts, my lust for the X did not develop until a few years ago. It was at a birthday party where a cousin happened to show up in an NSX he had purchased not too long before. I asked him to take my 7 year-old son for a spin, as he was already a car nut like dad. Instead, my cousin threw me the keys and said "go ahead and take him yourself". Hey, who am I to argue with that I thought! Well, about 10 minutes later I knew that I would have to have one at some point in time. I was "sold".

Then, because of my newfound lust of the NSX, I decided that I needed to learn more about it, what made it tick, etc. Thus I found After a short time reading through the forum posts I found what had to have been some posts by my cousin, who I did not know was a Prime contributor/member. In fact, his prime "name" reflected the initials in his name. So, I had to at least try to play with him, set him up or something. I made a few posts asking things like "can I drive your car" etc., but he never took the bait. Anyway, that cousin is SJS. Thanks to him, I now own a timeless, beautiful sports-car. Or, maybe I can thank him for emptying my wallet...depends on how I look at it.

It was a few months ago that I thought it was time for a new toy. At that time, I was thinking something a bit cheaper...maybe an RX7. However, my wife said "you know you will never be happy until you have an NSX like your cousin's, so go ahead and get one". Hey, who am I to argue with that logic! I pretty much knew I wanted an NSX with more power than stock, plus a few other 'wants'. Always keeping an eye on the new NSX for sale posts, a few months ago a black 92 caught my attention, but I had not decided to purchase yet. That 92 was pulled off the market because the guy wasn't getting anyone to come look at the car, and the offers over the phone were not to his liking, etc. At that time I said to myself 'that would be pretty much what I want' when I were to be ready to buy.

Then a few weeks ago I noticed that the same car was put back on the market, but at a reduced price. Sounded good to me, so I consulted with my NSX Guru - SJS. Shortly thereafter, a deal was struck and the rest is history. Flew down Friday and drove it back from Tampa Saturday. So far, so good. I can't keep the grin off my face.

Ride home was great, and I'm glad I did it. Originally, I anticipated trailering it back behind my Excursion, but the former owner convinced me that a religious experience awaited me by driving it home. Well, it was a good experience, but a bit shorter drive would have been welcome. I am also now acquainted with some of the typical happenings the rest of you experience when out on the road with your NSX:
A. Erratic driving by others to see "what it is."
B. Every moron in an Integra, Civic (or other ricer) with a bologna-can on it wants "to go", or has to drive up your a@$ to get you to stomp on it.
C. Two most common questions when I stopped:
- What is that?
- Is that a Corvette?

Already, the rest of the wives in the area are mad at my wife, as their husbands are commenting on what she let me buy. Hehehe, I love it. It's going to be a fun summer!

Oh, one more benefit of Prime; When I get my company's new helpdesk software up and running, I think I have found the perfect guy to run it! I am going to have to make Ken an offer.
I think he has a future as a help-desk customer service rep!


[This message has been edited by KGP (edited 11 March 2003).]

Great post, and one that accurately captures the way that most of us here feel about our X's. Given that you've been trolling the boards for some time, you know we Prime guys like nothing better than to see the pictures of a new owner's car, so definitely post them when you get a chance.

You should also make sure you get in touch with your regional NSXCA Chapter for the latest on local gatherings and track events, and finally...

Keep posting those positive NSX experiences. We look forward to you being a valued contributor on Prime.


Gene, congratulations on the new car! Thanks for sharing the story and for the kind words.

Great story! My first NSX trip was also a blast as I drove from San Francisco to Dallas. I passed through LA, Phoenix, Tuscon, and El Paso.

Wow, SJS is your cousin. I guess the members of Prime are like "family".
Well said. I've had mine for about two weeks. Love it more everyday.
The drive up from Carmel to Seattle was awesome. Did the (mapquest) 15.+ hr drive in 13 flat. The way these cars handle at speed on mountain roads is wonderful.

Originally posted by snapper:
Did the (mapquest) 15.+ hr drive in 13 flat. The way these cars handle at speed on mountain roads is wonderful.

I know what you mean. I couldn't get enough of the hills north of Chatanooga. As a matter of fact, that portion of the journey seemed about 1/4 the length that I remeber it when driving it in a "normal" car. Oh, my trip by mapquest said 20 hrs, 59 minutes. That was accomplished in 13.5 (with many short stops).

Congratulations on your purchase! I would bet that when most of us bought our own NSXs, we felt as absolutely overwhelmed then as you do right now. So we understand the thrill you are experiencing. How many times have you already gone out of your way to peek into the garage (like pinching yourself to make sure it's not a dream)?

Thanks also for your kind words (and I could use that help desk position right about now...
). It's funny you should mention sjs because he is not only a "car guy" like us, but he is one of the most technically knowledgeable car people I know. Oddly, he and I have never met in person, but I look forward to meeting both of you at some future NSX event.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
How many times have you already gone out of your way to peek into the garage (like pinching yourself to make sure it's not a dream)?
A few hundred in the last two days.

...mention sjs because he is not only a "car guy" ... but he is one of the most technically knowledgeable car people I know.
Yep, I think he knows what he is talking about...or at least has me fooled! Heck, most of his posts leave me wondering if I need to go back to school to be a good NSX owner.
e=mc2*vtec/(turbo3*scrubin - toe-out) = funfactor.

By the way, 3 hours before you responded? A bit bellow your standards Ken. We may have to put you on the incentive reduction plan.

[This message has been edited by KGP (edited 11 March 2003).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:

How many times have you already gone out of your way to peek into the garage (like pinching yourself to make sure it's not a dream)?

An added bonus to working out of my garage. I spend my work day about 4 feet from my big toys.

[This message has been edited by snapper (edited 11 March 2003).]

I was exactly in your shoes. I religiously looked, and went through thousand iterations of arguments with my wife every single day last year until I got mine!

It's been about 5 months of ownership, and I still can't believe that I am one of the lucky owners of NSX.