New owner, slipping clutch

1 June 2013
North Carolina
Had my NA1 about a month now, love it. The seller warned me I would need to replace the clutch in about 15k miles. Immediately I assumed more like 7-10k miles. However I have only put about 1k on it. Yea I've put some spirited drivin into it, can you blame me? A few soft launches and a few hard launches, all pulled like a dream, and couldn't notice any clutch slip after wards, however over the last 100 miles or so it seems I can only get pull in 1st gear. 2nd - 5th drive like I have the clutch pedal half depressed until I build up enough speed. I'm fully prepared to drop the $1200ish to install a new clutch, but was wondering if it were possible to maybe adjust or tighten my current one to maybe milk a few more miles out of it, now that I have my spirited driving out of my system. Pardon my newbness, but any advice?

note: it smells like burned leather or something if I really goose the gas in any gear. Guessing that's just the smell of a burned up clutch?
Try changing the clutch fluid and check for leaks around the clutch pedal piston. If your clutch still feels the same, its probably time for a new clutch.

If you see this, it means your clutch master cylinder is leaking. Check the clutch fluid level. If you are low, it'll be hard to get into gear.
No leaks or anything. Shifts into gear effortlessly. No other options? Gotta get a new one? It just seems strange, I thought it would be a more gradual loss of friction. Any other ideas?