New owner of a 2000 Monaco Blue CTSC NSX

14 October 2011
Mission Viejo, CA.
Greetings everyone! I am beyond excited to make this post. First off, thank you to everyone that has helped me over the past weeks/months in my quest for a NSX. I recently sold my 1997 Viper after driving and falling in love with a 2000 Monaco Blue CTSC. I have always wanted a NSX since I was about 12 years old when my buddies dad took me for a ride in his.

She has a little over 41,000 miles on her and is in awesome condition. Shane over at Autowave did a full inspection and everything checked out great. I will take some better pics once I was her up tomorrow, but here are a few I took after I bought her:

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Ahh that car finally found a home. Which I remember that car was up for sale for a very loooong time.
Ahh that car finally found a home. Which I remember that car was up for sale for a very loooong time.

Ya the previous owner had it up for sale on and off for a while. I felt like I got a great price and a lot of goodies with it that I planned on doing myself. I saved at least 10 grand with the CTSC alone :biggrin:
That's awesome Zmoney! I was following your posts about driving a supercharged NsX and selling your Viper. I had the same thing happen to me after test driving an SC NsX, there is no comparison, I stopped looking at all other non sc NSXs after that. Your car looks beautiful, blue looks spectacular in an NsX. I don't remember seeing this car for sale at all, where did you find it? And like posted above, great way to start the year and welcome to the club!
Congrats on finding one! Looks like it will be a blast!

edit: Your wife/girlfriend/chauffeur looks to be happy with your purchase - so that's always a plus!
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Congrats! Beautiful, love the color. Nice pair of Acura products in the garage.<object type="cosymantecnisbfw" cotype="cs" id="SILOBFWOBJECTID" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;"></object>
Congrats!! I looked at that car in the summer of 2010 before getting mine as I wanted a black one. Really nice NSX. The seller was a really nice guy as I'm sure you know.
Congrats! I knew you would be pleased with a supercharged car. Also you will get a similar feeling to the Viper with Monaco blue as it is super rare. I thought about purchasing the same car when it was for sale in 09 and 11 due to the color and mileage. Going coast to coast to see a car is always a pita which is what stopped me. You got a great one, have fun with it and post some more pics.
Congrats! I knew you would be pleased with a supercharged car. Also you will get a similar feeling to the Viper with Monaco blue as it is super rare. I thought about purchasing the same car when it was for sale in 09 and 11 due to the color and mileage. Going coast to coast to see a car is always a pita which is what stopped me. You got a great one, have fun with it and post some more pics.

Thanks Aaron! Really appreciate all the advice when I was looking...especially coming from the viper. Here are some more pics:
