New owner / New member

12 December 2008
Tulsa, OK.
Hello to everyone. I just got home from buying a car that I have been obsessed with since 1991! I purchased a '97 black on black with 55k miles in mint condition. I am so excited that I had to write in hopes that there are plenty of people on this site that know exactly how I am feeling at this time!:biggrin:

All comments and information is appreciated!
Hello to everyone. I just got home from buying a car that I have been obsessed with since 1991! I purchased a '97 black on black with 55k miles in mint condition. I am so excited that I had to write in hopes that there are plenty of people on this site that know exactly how I am feeling at this time!:biggrin:

All comments and information is appreciated!

Congrats. Where are you located?

And now that you're back in town get these freakin' cockaroaches out of my apartment. :biggrin:
Welcome and Congrats. I know Exactly what you ar talking about. Been enjoying that feeling for a couple years now :biggrin: You got a NA2 also, good going. Please post up some pics.

On a side note...I have taught a CAD class at Tusla Community College once. Seemed like a nice town. I think American Airlines has a maintenence/repair depot in town.

Any mods on the car? Plans for any?
Congrats to you. You are maybe out driving?
Hear you folks "down south" in Houston/N.O. had some
nasty white stuff today? Tulsa, too?
From your avatar, I think you and steveny will be fast friends. :wink:
Welcome!...I've had my car for almost 13 years now and NEVER get tired of driving it or simply looking at it. Remember, black is not a's a hobby.
Congrat's on your purchase!!

These threads are always my favorite. Not only the excitement of the new owner (which I hope to be someday) but the excitement from the existing members that have had theirs for years and still feel the same way!! :cool:

Enjoy your new ride and please, post up some pics and give us your initial driving impressions!

Congrats and welcome. Details PLEASE?
Hello! And welcome. I do remember that feeling. Finally paid for CTSC to SoS. Will receive it soon (right, Chris?) and will be accurately installing new items and fixing old ones.
Hello to everyone. I just got home from buying a car that I have been obsessed with since 1991! I purchased a '97 black on black with 55k miles in mint condition. I am so excited that I had to write in hopes that there are plenty of people on this site that know exactly how I am feeling at this time!:biggrin:

All comments and information is appreciated!

Welcome to the club. I waited almost 15 years to get mine, so I know how you are feeling. It's an amazing car- you'll love it every time you drive it! :biggrin: