New owner from France

21 November 2012
Hello guys, I'm Laurent, I live in France (Normandy) and I'm finally the happy owner of a '95 NSX berlina black. I absolutely love that car and it was on my wish list since my childhood! The engine has been fully rebuilt this month and I had it fully respray.


Nice cars. I like the house too. Congrats. What are your wheels?
wow, your english is better than some of our domestic users:wink: How many people in France know what an nsx is? I see you have a harness system,any track aspirations?
Thanks, but I did lived in the UK for 6 years.....The NSX is a well known car in France but they're way more expensive over here than in the US. I might track the nsx once or twice but it's not going to be a racing car (I've got the perfect toy for that).
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what is your profession (job) in France?
Yeah and how old is your wife and how many kids do you have? Do you eat before going to bed? LOL....

I'm tired of the same old goons on prime.....we need new blood!
Je vous souhaite la bienvenue sur le forum cher voisin, félicitations et bonne route avec votre belle NSX noire, une des plus belle mais aussi une des plus difficile a entretenir :biggrin:, gare aux tourbillons sur la peinture, bravo et bonne chance:smile:

I welcome you to the forum dear neighbor, congratulations and good luck with your beautiful black NSX, one of the most beautiful but also one of the most difficult to maintain:biggrin:, beware swirls on the paint, congratulations and good luck:smile:
I'm tired of the same old goons on prime.....we need new blood!

You and I are old goons!! What? I'm not good enough for you anymore? You need someone else? :biggrin:
You and I are old goons!! What? I'm not good enough for you anymore? You need someone else? :biggrin:

look at the twilight series...where are all the parents? Nobody cares about you and I...its all about the new owners:biggrin:
Mes roues sont également des AZEV mais de la série LS (roue boulonnée en deux parties), vous avez enlevé la partie centrale avec l'écrou anti vol, ce n'est pas plus mal et cela donne un aspect plus agressif:smile:

My wheels are also AZEV but the LS series (wheel bolted in two parts), you have removed the central part with the nut anti theft, it is not worse and it gives a more aggressive look:smile:
Huge Congrats and She LOOKS GORGEOUS! Enjoy and Welcome to the Craze!
The NSX is a well known car in France...
I only crossed France once but at every stop I did a guy pre- or postponed his cigarette-break time and was well informed what car that was even though there were no emblems on the car. No exaggeration: the NSX gets 100 times more attention than in Switzerland.

Congrats BTW. :)
Bienvenue au club:smile:
We have quite a few NSXs in France that I know and at least three turbo'ed cars.
Don't ask me how they went through the "controle technique":cool:
There is an NSX club based in Switzerland that organizes many outings mostly in France.
Here's the address if you want to join?
Congrats on the purchase, the two cars together look fabulous. Out of curiosity, what is the emblem just behind the passenger wheel? Sort of looks like a Nurburgring to my untrained eye.
Bienvenue au club:smile:
We have quite a few NSXs in France that I know and at least three turbo'ed cars.
Don't ask me how they went through the "controle technique":cool:
There is an NSX club based in Switzerland that organizes many outings mostly in France.
Here's the address if you want to join?

Interesting. My daughter spent a semester at American University in Paris and traveled across France and didn't see a single one. And she would recognize one too :wink: So were they all in hibernation or in south of France?