New owner, Engine Noise clicking, ABS issue?

9 January 2012
Bay Area, CA
Hey guys,

I just purchased a 91 nsx on thursday. This moring when i started her up i noticed a ticking noise. Its not continuous, it comes and goes. I did do a quick search and people describe it as a sewing machine and that it could possibly be normal in early year Nsx's.

Here is a Vid What do you guys think?

Also under the ABS bump there is another Cylinder and the bracket i beleave has some residue? on it. what do you guys think it could be from? I snapped a quick picture before work so i didnt thoroughly inspect the abs pump.


A bit more info on the car in my intro thread

Any Info/help is much appreciated
How many miles since the last valve adjustment? I think the interval is every 30K miles for the 3.0L. If recent then you may need to replace the lost motion assemblies with the updated version.
How many miles since the last valve adjustment? I think the interval is every 30K miles for the 3.0L. If recent then you may need to replace the lost motion assemblies with the updated version.

Car just hit 59k miles previous owner did timing belt/water pump about 5k miles ago. Is adjusting the valves something that is done while doing the water pump?

Could it possibly because the car never really got driven & just sat? previous owner owned it for a little bit over 3yrs and put less than 1000 miles on it.

If its the Lma's how long can i drive with them like that? the video was taken when they were the loudest, generally they are a bit quieter.