New Owner and the story behind it.

17 November 2008
I finally got one!!!!!!! I still can't believe it. So here is the story of how I got my NSX. I’ve been looking online for 4 months, and I’ve been looking for a silver one for a really good price. I finally see one that I like in the LA area (I live in the Bay Area). So over Christmas I was down in LA visiting my family and I went to look at it. It was perfect, some minor chips but that’s it. I still didn’t have all the money I needed to get it, so I told him I’d come back. This weekend I flew down to buy it. I had already called the dealership for an appointment, negotiated the price, and I was super excited. I get down there, bring it to the dealership get and over all inspection and a compression test done ($330). 4 hours later, the service lady calls me and tells me that the car is not in good condition and tells me that the oil pan has been smashed in and that it was not maintained well at all. $7000 in labor and an estimated $10000 in parts. So I’m totally bummed out. Flew all the way out here for nothing. I decide to check out craigslist <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:PersonName w:st="on">j</st1:PersonName>ust to see if anything else is out in LA since I’m already here. AND there it is. Another silver one in my price range. I call up the guy and he meets me at the same dealership and he agrees to get his the car looked at (another $330). I return the other car to the owner come back to the dealership and wait another 4 hours. About 3 hours later, I see the service lady talking to the master tech working on my car so I go to the garage and talk to him. He said this one is in great condition, compression test is really high and it was well maintained. It has Tein coilovers, performance ecu, sway bars, HIDs some quad exhaust (anybody know who makes quad exhausts?). So I picked this one up and drove it back to the Bay area the following day which was yesterday. Thanks for all the members that helped me out with all my questions. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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EXCITING! Congrats and welcome!!
Congrats for buying the 6th nicest color! :biggrin:

1- Black :wink:
2- White
3- Blue
4- yellow
5- red
6- silver
ouch green is not even on that list, probably because its too awesome.............. nah who am i kidding? on and by the way, congrats. that looks like a really nice silver one.
Congratulations on your purchase. Nice story as well. Too bad you couldn't get a red one. But like you, the first one I owned wasn't the best color and I got a black one until I was able to trade up to a red one.:wink:

Welcome to the Club...
Ok ok revised list :tongue:...I kid I kid though all the colors are great....:biggrin::tongue:

Now you bought the 8th best color~ :eek:

1- Black
2- White
3- Blue
4- yellow
5- red
6-midnight pearl
7-brooklands green
Welcome to Prime and Congrats on your purchase. First time I've heard of a double header PPI.:wink: Good thing you spent the extra $$$ and got them checked out. Money well spent. Now you can enjoy virtually trouble free ownership.

There is 3 different mfrs of quad tip exhaust that I know of....B&B (Formerly R/M Racing), Tubi and ArK. Do a search and you can find pics to help identify it.

Related thread

Enjoy your Prize!

P.S. Silver is actually a rare color
Congrats on being at the right place at the ight time and turning a negative scenario into a postive result. Hope to see you at a Bay Area meet soon.
Congrats on your purchase. I too just picked up a silver 91 last week. I've been smiling ever since. :biggrin:
There seems to be quite a bit of movement on early NSXs lately. I have noticed several threads on the For Sale forum that have recently been locked.

Congrats on your purchase. I too just picked up a silver 91 last week. I've been smiling ever since. :biggrin:


Enjoy it :smile:
the most appropriate color for the NSX is red, and I am a HUGE fan of black/silver/laguna blue .... to the point that red is my number 2 favorite after laguna blue (used to be black, Laguna Blue, silver THEN red)... yet, RED IS the color of the NSX .... specially if the X is clean and shinny ....
You guys and your COLOR RANKINGS crack me up....hahaha!

Every color is pretty cool on the NSX IMO :) *takes the neutral corner!

Actually for quad tip exhausts don't forget GT ROM makes a custom 4-tip titanium exhaust. A local bay area member had it on his silverstone til it was parted out....

Welcome to the club, come to our local NSX gatherings or drop by the 2/8/09 car show that I think x20 NSx'ers are showing:

check this thread:

or visit:
everyone knows that silver is the best color by far! :) Thanks for everyone welcoming me, I can't believe i'm on this site and I actually OWN one and i'm not just looking at everyone's car imagining what it would feel like to own one. Does it ever get old, I don't see how it can. I never imagined that it would be THIS amazing.
everyone knows that silver is the best color by far! :) Thanks for everyone welcoming me, I can't believe i'm on this site and I actually OWN one and i'm not just looking at everyone's car imagining what it would feel like to own one. Does it ever get old, I don't see how it can. I never imagined that it would be THIS amazing.

Indeed. I no longer feel like some lame wannabe reading about a car I don't have. I do feel like I was well prepared for my purchase after all that time spent on this site though.

Driving my TL home from work today was depressing compared to yesterday in the NSX. When I got home and it was waiting for me in the garage I had the "woohoo there it is" feeling again.