New Orleans Blues

15 May 2002
Boston, Mass
Anyone on the forum from New Orleans or live there now? I just got back from a business trip there last night. Someone actually tried to mug me Tuesday night!! I couldn't believe it. Anyway, if there is anyone from that area on the board, I'd appreciate it if you could private me.

OMG! I hope you are all right! Maybe they just wanted your NSX?

Sorry, just trying to insert a little humor...
I have been there 3-4 times now, as it is about 4 hours away, and i really dont like it. The city smells like urine and its dirty all the time. I try not to go if I can..
S2k'ers from my neck o'the woods(So-Cal)are planning their next big adventure at the Mardi-Gras festival in N.O. come Feb. Being part of that group, I was invited to join them. BUT after hearing what you guys have to say about the city I now decided no to go. The thought of travelling 2/3rd across the continent just to join the wild partying, boozin', and p**n-diving isn't exactly my idea of FUN. Ok, ok I'd take the girls, but not at the expense of getting mugged/shot at/etc. and possibly get stranded in a place that smells like urine all over the place.
I gotta go warn the others now....
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
OMG! I hope you are all right! Maybe they just wanted your NSX? Sorry, just trying to insert a little humor...

I was down there on business. The night before I was to leave, I went by an ATM, took out $50 bucks. As I was leaving, I heard a guy behind me say I dropped some cash. I turned and said "excuse me?" And he said "Give me your cash!" Couldn't believe it. I basically blew him off and out came the knife. Well, $50 bucks twernt worth it. Feeling more like I just got caught speeding than rattled, I took out the cash and handed it over. Now here's where it gets interesting. He said, "Where's the rest?" I said, "That's all I have." He said, "I want the rest!" I took out the ATM receipt and said, "LOOK! That's all I have!" Then he replies, "Well go back and get some more!" Do you believe it! At this point, I kind of had enough. As I went to go by him the SOB cut my fingers. I got a annoyed. He came at me, I took him down but got stabbed in the leg in the process. Nothing major but this was the first time I had to defend myself AS A FATHER. HUGE difference (aka I've got to stick around for a while). Long and short, the cops came, took the guy away, took a statement and told me when the trial would be. Uhhhh, I'm leaving T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W. They took me to get a tetanous shot and that was that. Not the knid of shots I was hoping for that night since my plane wasn't leaving till noon and I hadn't yet seen the city. BTW this happened in a pretty public place, about 75 yards outside the Marriot hotel next to Harrah's. Amazing. I was tryin' to find a record of it in the Times Picuyune or something but I have a feeling, like my $50. and ATM receipt (which they kept as evidence) I'll never see any news of it again. If you do go to New Orleans, stay in a group. Not the safest place.
I am sorry to hear that McAttack. I am glad to hear that you are okay.

As a side note, I truly believe that you were a very brave citizen and a father (most people would've reluctantly given him the money).
(most people would've reluctantly given him the money). [/B]

I'm dumb but not stupid...I DID give him the money, $50. that is. Wasn't worth it. But judging the situation, if I went back to the ATM with him and his knife, no amount of $$$ was going to be enough. Basically, I think it was just inevitable.

My point though is if you do travel around there, Mardi Gras or otherwise, BE CAREFUL.
I have been to New Orleans several times. It certainly has some big down-sides, but I feel there is a lot worthwhile there as well. It certainly has a lot of character for a US city. It's interesting to watch the people and check out the city even if you aren't interested in the party aspect of it. There are some good restaurants as well.

I basically think of New Orelans like a second or third world country. There is poverty, dirt and crime but there is also a lot more for anyone interested in discovering it, and the people speak English.

I've never had a problem down there, but people certainly do as McAttack unfortunately experienced. Keep your wits around you and try not to walk around alone (though I have done it extensively and never had a problem). A group of several guys is certainly not going to have any problems as long as they stay in the main tourist areas of the French Quarter.

There is no doubt the city is dirty. Do not wear nice shoes or even pants out walking around in the Quarter at night, especially during a major event like Mardi Gras. The ground gets covered with a nasty gray slurry. If it rains hard even briefly, parts of the Quarter flood a couple inches deep with filthy water. There are millions of enormous rats and nutrias around, but you probably won't see them where there are lots of people.

As you would expect, all the hotels and restaurants in that area jack up prices for big events like Mardi Gras. You can stay across the river for less and take a cab back and forth, but I have never done it and I'm not sure you end up saving all that much by the time you add up all the cab fare. I like being able to walk back to my hotel anyway. Most of the older hotels are not very nice (there are some exceptions) even though they may cost $300 per night. Unless you are going to stay in one of the very nice / expensive hotels, try one of the newer chains - they are cleaner and have nicer and more modern amenities. If you get a hotel right in the heart of the Quarter, do not expect it to be very quiet.

I would not drive in the French Quarter other than to get to the hotel. Once there you park the car (or have it parked - most are valet) and don't touch it again until check-out. You simply don't "cruise" around the Quarter during Mari Gras. That is a complete joke. Anybody who has been there knows that. I do not see any real benefit to driving any kind of distance to get to New Orleans. Just fly and take a cab or limo from the airport.

If you are near a fight on the street, get away from it quickly. You will understand why once you see the police react to a street fight.
Lud, good info--as always.

McAttack, sorry to hear about your experience.
Glad you weren't hurt worse. I would claim the $50 as a business expense, to say the very least..
I chaulked the $50 up to a lesson learned! BTW..I WILL go back to N'awlins. I've been there 2x and really haven't seen much of the place other than the convention center, hotel and airport. It looks like it would be a real kick with a bunch of the guys, say, when the Patriot's play there for the SuperBowl next month? HA! HA! LOL!!!!