(new) on the History Channel - AutoBahn

20 May 2001
Hawaii, USA
Hopefully being repeated soon, watch a bright yellow RUF Porsche travel the AutoBahn up to speeds of 212, over 7,000 RPM, maxed out, including two passengers (the 2 camera men)...Look for Modern Marvels / The History Channel (on this run, no time for cup holders)...Aloha

Oh yes, another thing, the pavement is made somewhere between 26 to 29 inches deep to prevent cracking!

"LIVE LIFE with a NSX"

[This message has been edited by Timeless (edited 18 September 2002).]
Modern Marvels
The Autobahn
Tuesday , September 17 10:00 PM-11:00 PM

Imagine a super-highway designed for speed...thousands of miles of roadway unhindered by limits of any kind. Buckle up for safety as we take you for the ride of your life when we explore the fascinating history and current reality of the world's fastest freeway. The number-one works project of Third Reich, the Autobahn was known as Adolf Hitler's Road until Germany's defeat in WWII. Reconstructed and extended to more than four times its original size, it became a symbol of the New Germany. TV G

Modern Marvels
The Autobahn
Wednesday, September 18 2:00 AM-3:00 AM
I drove on the autobahn last year when I was up there. On the last day of our trip, we wanted to rent a Porsche Boxster to rip down the freeway. But alas, as fate would have it, the rental place didn't have it in stock. Bummer.

So we did the next best thing. We drove our...Ford Focus!
Don't laugh. I was actually quite impressed with that little bugger. I was doing 130 m.p.h.! on the straight away. And the car didn't even flinch.

It's just really sad that cars are altered as far as quickness is concerned when they ship/make cars here in the U.S.
European versions of the same make and model just kicks so much more ass. They have to for the autobahn (where you might actually die for going TOO SLOW).

I wish I knew someone with the NSX when I was in Germany. That would have been really fun!
I missed it! I wish this would have been posted prior to the airing of the second version. Anyone have a tape of it??

[This message has been edited by kgb_agent (edited 18 September 2002).]