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New OEM Manual Steering Rack 53040-SL0-A01 (Sold)

26 August 2021
$1000 or best offer

I ordered this new from Japan in 2022, and it looks brand new but the the part sticker is duct taped and I noticed a lot number sticker on the rack. I wonder if they procured a remanufactured unit. There's not a lot online to compare to visually. Could someone with experience confirm by looking at it if this is new or reman? Perhaps NOS? More pics here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D71ci6QVV-HAO7voTKiT-TnxDHGcWIhA?usp=sharing


Edit: looks similar to other new racks on Ebay, for example:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/156109380486 (RHD)
https://www.ebay.com/itm/193638106338 (LHD)
I'd say the best indicator would be the packing it came in . I bought a new OEM rack from Amayama a ways back, it had no sticker like that JKC one and it was sealed shut in one of those thick pink plastic bags Honda packs everything in. It also sat in a nice cardboard cradle. Did this one come like that? If it did its likely NOS OEM.