New NSX Unveiling in Detroit Starting at Mid 150's 550HP+

I can't get over how ugly that front end is. They could have given it a race car front but instead went with something that looks like it mated with a Pontiac Aztec. That beak is hideous. Also, does anyone else notice that the front grill is a smiley face and the hood vents are eyes? Looks like a cartoon. The designers should be shot for ruining the NSX lineage. Glad they finally gave it some power because you are going to need it to hide that ugly mug from the masses.

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PS: Could those presenters be any more douche bag like? Bad enough the start of the video wasted 4 minutes of my life let alone having to listen to those boring arseholes recite their memorized propoganda in monotones. When our NSX's came out they shocked the world with what Honda could build. They even got a racing legend to advize them on the design. These clowns just shocked me with how dull they are. In a world of GTR's, 911 Turbo's, Ferrari 458's they present us this turd as if they somehow are going to change the industry when the truth is the industry caught up and passed them. I give Nissan credit, they built a hell of a car at the right time that made the big boys take notice. Honda missed the boat big time. Makes me appreciate just how special the original design was for it's day.
I can't get over how ugly that front end is. They could have given it a race car front but instead went with something that looks like it mated with a Pontiac Aztec. That beak is hideous. Also, does anyone else notice that the front grill is a smiley face and the hood vents are eyes? Looks like a cartoon. The designers should be shot for ruining the NSX lineage. Glad they finally gave it some power because you are going to need it to hide that ugly mug from the masses.

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PS: Could those presenters be any more douche bag like? Bad enough the start of the video wasted 4 minutes of my life let alone having to listen to those boring arseholes recite their memorized propoganda in monotones. When our NSX's came out they shocked the world with what Honda could build. They even got a racing legend to advize them on the design. These clowns just shocked me with how dull they are. In a world of GTR's, 911 Turbo's, Ferrari 458's they present us this turd as if they somehow are going to change the industry when the truth is the industry caught up and passed them. I give Nissan credit, they built a hell of a car at the right time that made the big boys take notice. Honda missed the boat big time. Makes me appreciate just how special the original design was for it's day.
Newbe here from NJ, Well stated!
Honda has been putting out some Fugly designs for quite some time now. I look at the Honda Acura line the front ends all look the same and they are all boring. You put an Accord next to my RL and there's not much to differentiate the two.

Hopefully this new NSX will live up to expectations.
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I can't get over how ugly that front end is. They could have given it a race car front but instead went with something that looks like it mated with a Pontiac Aztec. That beak is hideous. Also, does anyone else notice that the front grill is a smiley face and the hood vents are eyes? Looks like a cartoon. The designers should be shot for ruining the NSX lineage. Glad they finally gave it some power because you are going to need it to hide that ugly mug from the masses.

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PS: Could those presenters be any more douche bag like? Bad enough the start of the video wasted 4 minutes of my life let alone having to listen to those boring arseholes recite their memorized propoganda in monotones. When our NSX's came out they shocked the world with what Honda could build. They even got a racing legend to advize them on the design. These clowns just shocked me with how dull they are. In a world of GTR's, 911 Turbo's, Ferrari 458's they present us this turd as if they somehow are going to change the industry when the truth is the industry caught up and passed them. I give Nissan credit, they built a hell of a car at the right time that made the big boys take notice. Honda missed the boat big time. Makes me appreciate just how special the original design was for it's day.
