New NSX speculation video

10 November 2002
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
front engine killed it IMO.

Big deal, improved int.
You would hope for an improved int with 20 years to mull it over.

Good luck Honda, and thanks for making the real NSX an instant classic.
I will have to see the production car before I pass judgment, but so far nothing I have seen really moves me either. Just tossing in a V-10 engine for gobs of horsepower isn't gonna cut it. Not that horsepower is bad, but an NSX is more than just a bunch of horsepower. If it was all about horsepower, might as well just buy a Corvette, or even worse, a Viper.

I agree that an updated interior is long overdue. Something could have been done with the interior concurrent with the front facelift.

Maybe when the production car is out it will be stunning enough to change my mind. But for now I will just stick with my vintage ride.
"Our exclusive illustrations" means someone at Edmunds drew that. :rolleyes:

I'd love to do "artist renderings" for a living. Just make stuff up and say that's what it sould look like according to me. And if I was pressed for time I'd probably just throw in an SL55 interior just like this guy did.

Also, Keep in mind this video was made before the release of the ASCC.
front engine killed it IMO.

Big deal, improved int.
You would hope for an improved int with 20 years to mull it over.

Good luck Honda, and thanks for making the real NSX an instant classic.

(making the real NSX an instant classic) Amen to that brother :wink:
Front looks too much like the new CTR hatch back. When the first NSX came out it does not look like any of the Honda cars. I would expect some futuristic design something similar to F599 or SLR if it were to be front engine.
Can't wait to see the price they are going to put on it.