New NSX owner

1 June 2005
I will have it next week. I found a red '92 with ~12'000 miles for ~35'000 $ (good price here in europe). Timing belt has been changed 2 month ago. I really liked this car and don't really regret that I don't have enough money to get the 3.2 6 speed (heavier).

I plan to get 16'/17' black wheels with semi-slick tires (it will be a week-end and track drived car), suspensions and brakes upgrades, buckets, harness and i/h/e. I think I will also change the awfull rear bumber for the 2002 one :biggrin:

I hesitated a lot between NSX and Supra. But even if it's not possible to get a lot of power with the NSX, I think it is more adapted to the roads we have here in europe (smaller, lighter,...).
well, NSX's with modification can do well over 500...

who needs the 1000 in a supra unless you are drag racing? and if you're drag racing, you're buying the wrong car.

how much power do u need lol
Don't need a lot of power. That's why I choose the nsx. 300-320hp with i/h/e will be enough for the 1290 kg of the '92 :wink: