New NSX Owner

12 March 2005
Santa Clarita, CA
Hello to eveyone on NSX Prime.

I just bought my first ever NSX and took delivery on February 14, 2005. This is an awsome vehicle, one that I know I will enjoy in my retirement years. A few of you, here in California, have already been in contact with me regarding some OEM parts I posted for sale. Yes, I did the 'dirty deed' and had all the mods done by the dealership.....couldn'd wait.

I found a wealth of information on this website, although, a bit overwhelming for a newbie. I look forward to meeting some of you in my travels and, especially, those of you who live in California.

Just a quick introduction, my name is Richard; I'm a native born Californian; and, I'm a retired L.A. County Deputy Sheriff having served for 35 years with the L.A County Sheriff's Department.
RARNSX said:
Hello to eveyone on NSX Prime.

I just bought my first ever NSX and took delivery on February 14, 2005. This is an awsome vehicle, one that I know I will enjoy in my retirement years. A few of you, here in California, have already been in contact with me regarding some OEM parts I posted for sale. Yes, I did the 'dirty deed' and had all the mods done by the dealership.....couldn'd wait.

I found a wealth of information on this website, although, a bit overwhelming for a newbie. I look forward to meeting some of you in my travels and, especially, those of you who live in California.

Just a quick introduction, my name is Richard; I'm a native born Californian; and, I'm a retired L.A. County Deputy Sheriff having served for 35 years with the L.A County Sheriff's Department.

Well, I saw your parts for sale listing, and also read your profile, with all the go fast goodies that you've already done, I "assume" that with your credentials, you'll have no problem getting away with "speeding" without penalty. Welcome to the world of "yellow" your car is I'm sure beautiful!! :biggrin:
Welcome from another Californian named Richard who also retired after 35 years in the public sphere (California State University in my case). My NSX was a retirement gift to myself, but I didn't go as deep into the nest egg as you have done with your new and modified toy- I'm envious. May you enjoy your NSX, NSXPrime and good health.
congrats and enjoy the ride :biggrin:
Congrat's Richard and welcome to the cult.

Sounds like you've got yourself and absolutely incredible NSX there. Enjoy it, keep the shiny side up, and look us up if you're ever down in Orange County.
Welcome and congrats, on the New NSX...

I'm sure with all the mods you have done on the car, and your past job, you will have some tips on beating speeding charges(after you get a few :biggrin: )

All you need is a light bar on the roof,,kinda like the nsx pace car at twin ring,,have fun.