New NSX Owner - Wow!

17 June 2007
Hello To All,

I finally did it, after 16 years I purchased my dream car last week. She's a beautiful '92 red & black five speed that appears to be in superb shape inside and out. My car looks new and drives like a dream. I drove her from Wisconsin to Maryland (approx. 875 mi.), it was great! I felt somewhat like a celebrity. As we traveld and stopped for food and fuel people (old and young), would admire the car and tell me how beautiful she was. While driving, people would slow, point. smile give thumbs-up, etc. It was really quite cool. Some things in life are worth the wait -- no matter how long they take...and I think, owning a new or like new NSX is one of them.

Before I go, I also want thank you guys and gals, because reading the "Prime" site over the years your enthuiasm has helped to inspire me to go ahead and make the purchase and I did -- thanks again. V-Tech
good to have you.

nice username haha
Congratulatons.......Have a great time with it.......Steve

Congrats! I've had my 1994 for ~3 weeks now and will find myself just staring at the car in the garage or staring blankly at the silver key. It's the realization of a dream, and worth every second of waiting.

And Red with the Black top! The most classic of the NSX colors!

Again, congrats!
I've had my 1994 for ~3 weeks now and will find myself just staring at the car in the garage or staring blankly at the silver key. It's the realization of a dream, and worth every second of waiting.

This is so cliche, but I love it!

Congrats V-tech, now take your car into vtec and enjoy the symphony of NSX :biggrin:
That feeling doesn't go away! :wink:

Thanks for sharing the good news. Enjoy & Congrats on your 'X'!


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Congrats on your new NSX....
You'll love it more and more the more you drive it !
1 month and counting here. The fiance is really pissed right now. I can't stop ordering stuff for it.:wink:
She'll get over it....if she doesn't, get a new one...:wink:

1 month and counting here. The fiance is really pissed right now. I can't stop ordering stuff for it.:wink:
Hello To All,

I finally did it, after 16 years I purchased my dream car last week. She's a beautiful '92 red & black five speed that appears to be in superb shape inside and out. My car looks new and drives like a dream. I drove her from Wisconsin to Maryland (approx. 875 mi.), it was great! V-Tech

Where in Maryland...I'm at Andrews and/or Pax River every month for Reserves
I feel like a celebrity in my NSX even without people pointing. There is something to be said about the joy of driving the NSX that not many cars can give. Congrats and have fun.
I am so very happy that you bought one. I understand your feeling from realizing the dream. I have been driving an NSX for over 10 years now and still love to look at it, go out into the garage in the middle of the night to admire its lines, and just be grateful for this gift in my life. Keep remembering this feeling, and how very fortunate you are. :smile:
Congrats on the car!! :cool:

"Drive it often, drive it hard." & "Vtec is a prerequisite to shifting." :tongue:

have fun and give it some time to learn the car. The rear end is pretty solid but when it comes around, it can be hard to recover.
CONGRAD!!! The nsx will bring you years of enjoyment. I'm also in the Maryland area, we have meets about once a the md/va forums for our next meet.

i know exactly how you feel. i bought my 92 red and black 2 months ago, and ive felt like a champ ever since. its amazing how much more upbeat i am, just because of a car that i only drive 2-3 times a week. im in love! its better than all the dreams i had about it growing up.

congrats on the car!
Congrats on your new purchase:smile: ...I have owned mine for almost a year now and I still love every minute behind the wheel. I frequently scour over the forums to keep up on the latest mods and common problems. This site does get careful.:wink: