New NSX Just Burned To The Ground At The Nürburgring

31 July 2001
Boston, MA
The New NSX Just Burned To The Ground At The Nürburgring

How do we know the upcoming 2016 Acura NSX will be a legitimate supercar? Because it burns like one. An NSX prototype apparently burned to the ground during Nürburgring testing today.

Germany's Motor-Talk reports that two test drivers had to flee the car when it caught fire around noon local time. The fire appears to have started in the engine compartment. A Honda spokesman declined to give them any details.

uhoh, not good!

although better now than once in production...
Could have been something as dumb as a loose fuel fitting or pinched line. A lot of heat in the engine bay with the twin turbos and EV.
The glorious return of the NSX has been loooooong drawn out and tedious to watch.
This is just another set back for what I feel certain will be a failure of a "super" car from a company that should stick to civics and Accords.

Consider that the NSX has been in testing elsewhere for quite some time and was brought to the 'Ring to "sharpen" its reflexes. This fire is therefore very puzzling.
Honda must be very advanced in their testing of the car to have the cajones to bring it to the "ultimate" testing grounds and for this to happen to their pride and glory is shameful and sad.
Even if the cause is found to be minor, it will do damage to the psyche of those who have been considering the car but not quite convinced.
On the plus side, they can now get some wind tunnel time in for the rumored targa model.
oooooo ooooo, looking at the pictures, we now know that the doors open like a standard car (as oppose to something more exotic) and there appears to be a deep trunk. I'm stoked! And who says the new NSX won't be on Ferrari level of excitement? It burns like one so its got to be a super car lol :rolleyes:
Shawn: "Gentlemen, we can fix it. We have the technology. We can make it better. Faster. Stronger. lol."
"Oh it's too too hot baby gotta run for shelter gotta ruuuuun for shame" bwahahahaha. Ok I'm gone again.
"Its getting hot in here, so take off all your camouflage"
2019 release date now ??? Yawn !!:biggrin:
We need to enter the VIN in the Wiki. This one is a complete loss.

DocL, I like your way of thinking! Picture #3 is the most painful to even look at. Oh my..