New NSX is making more people notice my 1996.


7 September 2000
Over the years people have noticed my car and approached me to tell me how they liked it or ask questions.

The past few years not so much.

Now I have one or two people stopping me every time I park. They KNOW it is the "old" NSX but still dig it and are often juiced about this car and the new one.

Deja vu all over again.:cool:

Thanks new NSX for the renewed interest!
funny you should start this thread...I was going to start a thread about how I recently started driving the car ,after winter break, and more folks on the road are going much more loco when they see the car ...I mean guys in minivans and all sorts of random drivers doing some unwise maneuvers to get up close.....
funny you should start this thread...I was going to start a thread about how I recently started driving the car ,after winter break, and more folks on the road are going much more loco when they see the car ...I mean guys in minivans and all sorts of random drivers doing some unwise maneuvers to get up close.....

It'sa 96' thang bro!
ahhh yes the whole 20 year thang....they are still holding up quite original paint while pitted from speed presents quite well for a berlina..
that you will always get...:frown:
after my new exhaust install im only getting guys in rice out cars trying to race me
Install an apx exhaust and instead of rice racers you'll get muscle cars pulling next to you complimenting it.:smile: