25 December 2006
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Hi Guys,

I finally found 3 dealers who would take a deposit on the next generation NSX, they gave me position number one since no one has even inquired about the car.

Most Acura dealers have no idea what it is or what I was talking about but 3 were happy to take my money and promised me a car when they come out. Acura/Honda should be proud that their dealer network does not even know what the company is planning, just keep working those RL's at $300 dealer profits.

I was curious if anyone has even thought about ordering one since if they actually hit they will probably be worth a pretty penny on the quick flip market.

Did they give you any information on the car at all? Pics? :p
Of course the dealer is going to take your money. They are now making interest off of your hard earned dollars even though they don't even know if another NSX is going to be built. I'd be more likely to trust the other dealers who wouldn't take your money until they have concrete evidence that the NSX will breath again.
Of course the dealer is going to take your money. They are now making interest off of your hard earned dollars even though they don't even know if another NSX is going to be built. I'd be more likely to trust the other dealers who wouldn't take your money until they have concrete evidence that the NSX will breath again.

I agree 100%
Of course the dealer is going to take your money. They are now making interest off of your hard earned dollars even though they don't even know if another NSX is going to be built. I'd be more likely to trust the other dealers who wouldn't take your money until they have concrete evidence that the NSX will breath again.

yup.....I'm sure they're making a KILLING off his deposit:rolleyes:
yup.....I'm sure they're making a KILLING off his deposit:rolleyes:

Okay smart guy. Let's say 10 people come in and want to place a $1000.00 deposit. They now have $10k sitting in their bank account earning interest. :rolleyes:
Hi Fellow NSX'ers..

I was the one that called the dealers, no one asked for any deposit. I was the one that wanted to make sure I get position number one.

I gave $500 fully refundable and feel that if the avergae car dealer needs my $500 to make "interest" he probably wont be in business for very long.

However for my $500 stake, if the car does appear and I get one I will be a happy camper.

FYI lile the first post said most dealers dont have a clue about the new car or pics...

For $500 I am a gambler...

I think you'd be a lot better off putting a deposit down on the Lexus LFA or even the GTR if you want to "flip" anything.
Hi Fellow NSX'ers..

I was the one that called the dealers, no one asked for any deposit. I was the one that wanted to make sure I get position number one.

I gave $500 fully refundable and feel that if the avergae car dealer needs my $500 to make "interest" he probably wont be in business for very long.

However for my $500 stake, if the car does appear and I get one I will be a happy camper.

FYI lile the first post said most dealers dont have a clue about the new car or pics...

For $500 I am a gambler...


so nothing in writing stating the sale price? If so, they'll flip it to you instead :eek:
so nothing in writing stating the sale price? If so, they'll flip it to you instead :eek:

Audi tried to do that to me when I put a deposit down on a TT225Q. I had them write that the car could not be sold for over MSRP and that I had the first right of refusal. When the car came in they tried to extort money from me so I bought my NSX instead. I'll never leave a deposit on a car before it hits the showroom floor again.
Of course the dealer is going to take your money. They are now making interest off of your hard earned dollars even though they don't even know if another NSX is going to be built. I'd be more likely to trust the other dealers who wouldn't take your money until they have concrete evidence that the NSX will breath again.


Take this man's advice. There is no next-NSX anywhere yet in production form. Your dealers don't know anything. All they want is your money.

Even if you are willing to gamble 500, it really doesn't mean anything because by the time the new car does come, you will be fighting them to:

1. Get your deposit back
2. Get the car at the agreed price (they are definitely going to give the spot to the highest bidder or try to sell you the car at some outrageous markup price).

You may as well go back and ask for your money back. Deposits really mean nothing unless you are a preferred customer--even then I am not too sure. It depends on how much you trust the dealership, and we all know the answer to that sad question.

Just trying to help. Good luck.
I've got to agree with KSXNSX. Bottom line is they don't care who may have been first to lay down a deposit. Unless you have a relative at the stealership, er, um, dealership, that you gave the deposit to, i'd get it back...or at least be very realistic about the high probability that they're gonna try to screw you when and even if a new high-end acura sports car ever comes out. I wish that I could be less pessimistic.
I may be all alone with my opinion, but I'd leave your deposit right where it is. I've put a $500 deposit down on a TL waiting for it to arrive (although I knew roughly what I was getting) I chose not to go through with the deal, but I had dibs.

Putting a deposit down on a future halo car is common in some circles. Guys were putting $ down on 997 GT3s, I remember a friend getting the first S2000 in Canada and flipping it for a tidy profit (I know what you're going to say) and I seriously considered doing the same for the first HSC.

If you're not stressing your cash for the next couple of years, why not buy yourself the priveledge of first refusal?
Putting a deposit down on a future halo car is common in some circles. Guys were putting $ down on 997 GT3s, I remember a friend getting the first S2000 in Canada and flipping it for a tidy profit (I know what you're going to say) and I seriously considered doing the same for the first HSC.

There's a big difference here though. The cars you listed were known to be going into production. The next NSX is only a wet dream at this stage. But hey, it's your money and if you want to leave deposits all over town that's your perogative. :wink:
Of course the dealer is going to take your money. They are now making interest off of your hard earned dollars even though they don't even know if another NSX is going to be built. I'd be more likely to trust the other dealers who wouldn't take your money until they have concrete evidence that the NSX will breath again.

FWIW I agree with DOCL you have an agreement that you have first dibs on the NSX replacement, which at this point is speculatory, i.e the next high end car that Acura brings out, if its front engine is it really the NSX replacement or just a new car, it probably won't be called an NSX?

This in itself creates a loop hole for the dealer to sell whatever high end Acura introduces to someone else besides you, they sold another car NOT the NSX replacement. You haven't agreed to a price or put it in writing as to which car you are specifically referring to, so you may have first dibs on a car that could be $40K over MSRP just like the NSX was when it first came out. If you don't mind paying $40K over retail then I guess all of this is a moot point.

If the car is hot when it comes out and you have no agreed price they will tell you to either pay the "AMV" adjusted market value or sell to someone else who will. I don't really see how without an explicit contract what this deposit is getting you.
All a deposit does is give you first right of refusal. If you don't like the car or the deal, don't buy it. If you do like it, you get one of the first!
The retail buyers order is from a Georgia dealer that has a pretty good rep, Georgia also has some pretty tough rules on dealers that dont play by the rules.

The order does say "price not to exceed MSRP", now at the end of the day I am not a dummy and understand that all the paperwork means squat. However for the sake of being the first one in town with a "maybe" car I would take a $500 gamble and roll the dice, the car may never appear or if may be a dud, whatever, the objective is to have the "option" to acually get the car if it shows.

There may be a demand for the car and then again maybe not, Ferrari F-430 spyders sell for $75,000 over MSRP, Bentley GTC sell for $20,000 to $50,000 over MSRP and even when the Lexus SC430 came out they fetched a nice premium.

Point is its only $500 at stake, not my NSX:eek: ....

The retail buyers order is from a Georgia dealer that has a pretty good rep, Georgia also has some pretty tough rules on dealers that dont play by the rules.

The order does say "price not to exceed MSRP", now at the end of the day I am not a dummy and understand that all the paperwork means squat. However for the sake of being the first one in town with a "maybe" car I would take a $500 gamble and roll the dice, the car may never appear or if may be a dud, whatever, the objective is to have the "option" to acually get the car if it shows.

There may be a demand for the car and then again maybe not, Ferrari F-430 spyders sell for $75,000 over MSRP, Bentley GTC sell for $20,000 to $50,000 over MSRP and even when the Lexus SC430 came out they fetched a nice premium.

Point is its only $500 at stake, not my NSX:eek: ....


I hope it will come out and fetch a premium...cuz that will mean it is an awesome car in high demand in the exotic sports car community.

Btw you forgot to mention the 599...its premium is 100-150k over on the flip :eek:
And its a 2+2 front engine...but an acura version will not fetch a premium imo
You are one smart cookie.
$500 is chump change.
Deposit on R-8 is $5000.
My deposit on the next Esprit is $5000 (due 2009) First car in DFW. Only because the Acura dealer would not take one on the Nsx and I'm just tired of waiting.
The key is that the contract sez car to be sold at MSRP. And refundable.
I'm surprised you found a dealer greedy enough to take it. He'll be kicking himself in the ass when its announced.