New NSX-GT Powered by Android!

wow, how funny, thought you guys were kidding. NSX-GT1 :biggrin:
Is it a single turbo or twin? :confused:

^^^ It must b twin turbo'd to have that name :biggrin:

Crap! Now there will be yet one more unimportant thing that will pop up in google when we do NSX searches at 2am...

Google sucks for searches anyway, it use to b good.

Someone at Sony must love the real NSX GT1
So when you turn on the tv it goes whoosh whoosh! making a bov sound :eek::biggrin:
I am looking forward to the NSX-GT2. Sony's TV sets are sub-par these days with reliability issues (I have a 52" xbr4 that needs a complete LCD panel replacement after 1 yr of used.) Samsung and LG seems to be the better bang of buck.

I hope they do justice in terms of quality and not tarnish the NSX name.