New NSX.....For real!!!

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
If you're a newb.......:biggrin: This is just as random as everything else that has been posted.

Most misleading post ever, solely because it was started by the Doc. Can't believe I fell for it!!! :eek:

I swear I wanted to strangle him for a minute.
thank goodness if you hold your mouse over the thread link it gives you a preview.
The Mitsuoka Orochi is definitely among the fugly category, driver inside looks like it got swallowed by an alien.

My friend owns one and I don't think he got any positive response out of it.
It is hideous. It looks like a monster you would see on the SyFy channel low-budget movies like Chupacabra or Mansquito.
Car has been on top gear it uses a 3.3 Toyota V6 if i remember
There's a tradition on these posts, and I'll carry it forward.

"If it's not mid-engined, it's not an NSX"

James May drove one of those on Top Gear some time ago.
I come to this section to laugh AND cry!! IIRC.... I posted in 2002.... Inquiring about the next gen. NSX!!!:biggrin::eek::frown::mad: