new next gen NSX images MR/MA layout

4 March 2003
Cottonwood Arizona USA






images are from

and a vid can be found at

from the last image it can be determined that it is indeed a rear engine layout, wheather it is all wheel or rear wheel is yet to be seen however i still much prefer previous generation NSX to this v10 overkill box
Did you really think that none of us have seen that picture or news release?
i imagine alot of you have but searching around nsxprime i didnt find any posts about it so i thought id link the images in case someone here hasnt seen them. just trying to educate the ignorant to keep it cheap right?
i imagine alot of you have but searching around nsxprime i didnt find any posts about it so i thought id link the images in case someone here hasnt seen them. just trying to educate the ignorant to keep it cheap right?
You mean... Your self?:biggrin:
...i didnt find any posts about it so i thought id link the images in case someone here hasnt seen them...

Hmmm, you didn't find any posts... probably because it's been beaten to death and thus many of us have moved on to other news, leaving those threads to fall off the "recent" listings.
LOL This is a touchy subject:biggrin:

yeah man, everyone is wound up really tight here because Fukui killed the HSC and now we have a front engine 4 seat GT :mad: .... we are normally friendly. Just don't bring up this subject again. :biggrin:
wow i thought you guys here at nsxprime were friendly, guess i was wrong

People here for the most part are mature gentlemen. Some people have been here for a long time and may have less patience with newer members from time to time. Try not to take things personally.:smile:

jesus christ, give him a break. if i pointed out old news everytime you guys posted it, then you'd feel bad about posting anything
the "test mule" news when you guys originally posted was over 6 mos old to me:tongue:
yeah man, everyone is wound up really tight here because Fukui killed the HSC and now we have a front engine 4 seat GT :mad: .... we are normally friendly. Just don't bring up this subject again. :biggrin:

We ain't never "normally" friendly..LOL We go from "newbie" to knucklebusting"

But yeah lots of sore feelings over tha HSC not being produced. I don't bear Mr Fukui any ill will ,because had the previous president put everything into motion the HSC should've been ready for production and ready to roll out.
ya im not taking anything personal, i was hurt pretty bad when they stopped making the nsx, actually made me sick for a while. and this feels more like a viperish cliche rich luxury car rather then the performance bred nsx im used to. just that i browsed around and i didnt see any info on it and thought id post it. while i am new to posting on these forums i have been reading threw it for several years since i fell in love with the nsx 8 years ago. you'll see my account was made quite a while ago.

once i get my nsx, it will be my goal in life to prove it is a superior vehicle to the then current gen car
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