New Member

20 January 2011
Sacramento California
Hello, my name is Matthew and I just purchased my first NSX. I have been reading this forum for a long time and decided to join because I have found alot of knowledgable people who seem very nice as well. I will be posting pictures of my upgrades as they come in. Should be the Greatest Money Pit I have owned so far. Can't wait to burn some money on goods. Dont have any pictures of my car yet, but I will be sure to post them ASAP. Thank you and nice to meet you all. :biggrin:
Welcome to the Forum and to the world of NSXs.

It is not a money pit in terms of dumping money into something you will not get it back. Now if you plan to mod it like crazy,it might not be the best return on investment...but can you really put a price on your happiness?
Thank you everyone. I'm pretty busy at work right now, but I will post pics later.

Welcome aboard and I for one am really glad to see you're driving the car!! You've got the right idea.

It's a great car - have fun. Spend wisely and you'll surely reap the benefits.
its not real till we see the pics. LOL

but welcome to Prime.

if you dont learn anything on prime then your not using the search button


Welcome and Congratulations! It's always good to see another CA owner. Maybe some day I take my NSX up to Nor Cal (where I grew up) to visit family I can meet up with some of you Nor Cal NSXers. :biggrin:
Congrats and welcome to the NSX group. Good to have another NSX owner in Ca.
have fun,the nsx is a total package and shine/track/DD ect ect..