New member saying hello.

26 February 2007
Saint Louis
Hey guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've always loved NSX's, and I recently got a chance to drive an 02 NSX (the really cool copper color). A guy I workout with, owns a dealership, and they had just gotten one in, so he let me take it for a spin. It was one of the most memorable drives I ever had! Seats were comfortable, the tranny was as smooth as butter, handling / power was of course awesome, the ride was very solid (no rattles or squeaks), and probably the best part about it, was all the stares you get from other drivers! I hope to own one someday, but with my current financial status, I am unable to. :frown:

On another note, it's a shame at how little respect the NSX gets. Usually it's from people who have never driven the car, people who put raw power / torque (basically straight line cars) over an all around performance car, people who ignore the quality aspects of a car, or perhaps just out of jealousy. I can't believe I had to defend the car on a Grand Prix forum!
One of the guys claimed to beat a new model NSX with a lightly modded GTP. Basically for questioning the race, I was called a ricer. :rolleyes:

Some of the guys there are complete idiots (there are some members, however, with a brain). I basically just gave up, I refuse to argue with clueless people over the internet. For those that want a good laugh, check out this link...
Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, (no offense intended) when you wander into a forum full of high school kids those are the type of comments you have to expect. One day they will grow up and laugh at themselves and their beliefs "back in the day".
Welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, (no offense intended) when you wander into a forum full of high school kids those are the type of comments you have to expect. One day they will grow up and laugh at themselves and their beliefs "back in the day".

Thanks for the welcome. I completely agree with you. The thing is, I'm a true car enthusiast, I appreciate all types of cars (so I will browse other forums). But you are correct, typically, the cheaper a car is, the more immature the owners are (not saying that is always the case by any means, there are $100K+ car owners that are immature idiots as well).
Hey guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've always loved NSX's, and I recently got a chance to drive an 02 NSX (the really cool copper color). A guy I workout with, owns a dealership, and they had just gotten one in, so he let me take it for a spin. It was one of the most memorable drives I ever had! Seats were comfortable, the tranny was as smooth as butter, handling / power was of course awesome, the ride was very solid (no rattles or squeaks), and probably the best part about it, was all the stares you get from other drivers! I hope to own one someday, but with my current financial status, I am unable to. :frown:

On another note, it's a shame at how little respect the NSX gets. Usually it's from people who have never driven the car, people who put raw power / torque (basically straight line cars) over an all around performance car, people who ignore the quality aspects of a car, or perhaps just out of jealousy. I can't believe I had to defend the car on a Grand Prix forum!
One of the guys claimed to beat a new model NSX with a lightly modded GTP. Basically for questioning the race, I was called a ricer. :rolleyes:

Some of the guys there are complete idiots (there are some members, however, with a brain). I basically just gave up, I refuse to argue with clueless people over the internet. For those that want a good laugh, check out this link...

I read the referenced thread. The thing that struck me immediately: spelling, grammar, sentence structure, logic, etc. Didn't take long to realize that you're dealing with a NOT very intelligent individual. As someone else mentioned, you've probably got a maturity issue at work here as well. Someone who thinks the high point of automotive engineering and design is a gp will never ever comprehend nor appreciate an NSX, or any other sophisticated sample of automotive genius. Someone once said, "Never argue with a fool". Enough said.
Hmmm... that's funny, I've always gotten raves on the NSX, unfortunately not anymore, I'm waiting for a "new" one, i'll keep you all posted. But again, everybody raves how the NSX engine is a work of art, can take SO MUCH beating and not give out, parts are very readily available and easy to service among other exotics. It's performance level is very high considering the powerplant; i read once that per litres, it is THE MOST performing sports car, that was in 1994 i read it, it's competition needed EITHER a twin-turbo set-up (Supra, 300ZX, 3000GT) to keep up with it, or have more cylinders.

Remember, the balance that the NSX has is it stongpoint, smooth enough for everyday, great performance, low maintenance, great looks, and pretty much fully customizable, OH LONGEVITY, hum, where are those twin-turbos today, even 1991 M3s are pretty much forgotten.

welcome, nice to meet you,

Paul Days
Hey guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've always loved NSX's, and I recently got a chance to drive an 02 NSX (the really cool copper color). A guy I workout with, owns a dealership, and they had just gotten one in, so he let me take it for a spin. It was one of the most memorable drives I ever had! Seats were comfortable, the tranny was as smooth as butter, handling / power was of course awesome, the ride was very solid (no rattles or squeaks), and probably the best part about it, was all the stares you get from other drivers! I hope to own one someday, but with my current financial status, I am unable to. :frown:

On another note, it's a shame at how little respect the NSX gets. Usually it's from people who have never driven the car, people who put raw power / torque (basically straight line cars) over an all around performance car, people who ignore the quality aspects of a car, or perhaps just out of jealousy. I can't believe I had to defend the car on a Grand Prix forum!
One of the guys claimed to beat a new model NSX with a lightly modded GTP. Basically for questioning the race, I was called a ricer. :rolleyes:

Some of the guys there are complete idiots (there are some members, however, with a brain). I basically just gave up, I refuse to argue with clueless people over the internet. For those that want a good laugh, check out this link...
I participate in 4 forums...and on any given day I get bashed and the same thread!
I participate in 4 forums...and on any given day I get bashed and the same thread!

haha, I know the feeling. I just can't stand fanboys that think everything else is junk except for the car they drive, drives me insane.
Funny, but I never get anyone talking crap about my car in person. Usually, they just stare and say "wow". :smile:

I'll bet that very few of the online crap talkers have ever even seen an NSX in person, much less driven one.

Welcome to the forum!
haha, I know the feeling. I just can't stand fanboys that think everything else is junk except for the car they drive, drives me insane.

95 that was utterly helarious. Thank you for sharing. It was a nice peek at what I'm not missing by being a part of other forums. The only thing those guys left out was "O'DOYLE RULES !!!:biggrin:
Have we "talked" in the past?
I have a 90 Stage III...
91 300ZXTT 5spd 39K miles Stage [email protected]

Hmmm, don't think so? :confused:

Funny, but I never get anyone talking crap about my car in person. Usually, they just stare and say "wow".

Yes, it's usually when they are with their crowd of fellow fanboys.

95 that was utterly helarious. Thank you for sharing. It was a nice peek at what I'm not missing by being a part of other forums. The only thing those guys left out was "O'DOYLE RULES !!!

Yes, some of those guys are completely clueless, especially that Terry guy. He is as dense as they come. But really, you aren't missing anything, just an assload of BS.