New Member saying Hello

25 September 2008
I wanted to take a moment of your time to introduce myself. My name is Larry, I’m in my mid-40s and I’m now ‘officially’ in the market for an NSX!

I’ve been reading my brains out here for a while before finally signing up and now posting. I would like to first say that you definitely have a 1st class community here chuck full of great information and insight. I’ve learned so much already and I’ll do my best to give back and add value to it whenever I can.<O:p</O:p
It’s now finally time to fill that ‘been empty way too long’ third garage that I’m lucky enough to have. I mention this because in ‘93 when my wife and I built our house, one of the few “discussions” I won was getting the 3rd garage. At the time I was completely enamored with the then brand new NSX supercar and in my mind there would be one in this spot someday.

<O:p</O:pBut time passes, life gets in the way and getting a car for that spot really hasn’t been a thought more than a decade.

<O:p</O:pIt’s now 2008, we have a 7 year old boy that absolutely loves cars and anything to do with them and the time is right to begin the search for a car. When I first decided to go look the NSX still wasn’t present in my mind. One day I saw one go by me, BAM, heart was racing and it all came back to me. Then just recently, on another board I frequent, one of the members did a photo shoot with NSX’s that was incredibly well done and my mind was definitely made up.

<O:p</O:pI guess to me, the incredible part wasn’t that I knew I’d be shopping for weekend dream car to drive around someday,, to me the incredible part is that after ~15 years I want the same car!

<O:p</O:pFor those of you who are still reading, Thanks. There’s more but for now I just wanted to give you an inside look at me and my story. I’m still narrowing down which NSX I want so I know I’ll have lots of questions. All I know for sure at this point is I’d like a NSX-T and a manual transmission. So I have many more decisions to make and I look forward to each and every one of them.
Welcome to Prime Larry. Isn't it amazing that after your 15 years, you still want the same dream car? Have you set your mind on what type of NSX you are searching for? NA1 or NA2, Pre 02 body style or 02 - 05 body, color, unmolested or modded...... Don't be shy about asking a Prime member to inspect an NSX for you before making travel plans to inspect your future NSX yourself. It could save you lots of time. Good luck on your search. :smile:
Welcome to Prime Larry. Isn't it amazing that after your 15 years, you still want the same dream car? Have you set your mind on what type of NSX you are searching for? NA1 or NA2, Pre 02 body style or 02 - 05 body, color, unmolested or modded......
Thanks slamstrom. Yes amazing, and dream car is the perfect way to phrase it.<O:p</O:p
I like the way you broke down the types. At this point I'd say I'm looking for a car on the 'unmolested' side or stock. My end goal is to not only have a great weekend dream car, but to hopefully have something that my son will be driving and enjoying someday when he's my age. (corny but true nonetheless)<O:p</O:p
I know I'm looking for an NA2. I do like 02+ body style but at this point I'm open to any NA2 that's been well cared for. Same for color I have favorites, but keeping an open mind if the right car comes across my path. <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype class=inlineimg id=_x0000_t75 title=Tongue alt="" border="0" src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" smilieid="26" stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" v:shapetype o<><O:p</O:p
Don't be shy about asking a Prime member to inspect an NSX for you before making travel plans to inspect your future NSX yourself. It could save you lots of time. Good luck on your search. <v:shape id=_x0000_i1026 style="WIDTH: 12pt; HEIGHT: 12pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\COMPAD~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif" o:href=""></v:imagedata></v:shape>

Thanks!! Truly will need some help so much appreciated. <O:p</O:p
Welcome aboard. :smile: I had a similar story and finally made it happen a couple of years ago. I was captivated with the car when it first came out and forgot about it for many years while raising a family. Then, 15 years later, when I decided to get a sports car I was reintroduced to the NSX by a co-worker. I have really enjoyed owning such a rare and well balanced machine.

Best of Luck to you on your search.
Welcome aboard. :smile: I had a similar story and finally made it happen a couple of years ago. I was captivated with the car when it first came out and forgot about it for many years while raising a family. Then, 15 years later, when I decided to get a sports car I was reintroduced to the NSX by a co-worker. I have really enjoyed owning such a rare and well balanced machine.

Best of Luck to you on your search.

Thanks Big_D :smile:

Looks like I'm walking down your previous path! I'm glad to hear things worked out so well and that you're enjoying your NSX so much, hopefully it will not be long before I'm saying the same.

Thanks again for the welcomes.

Been diggin a little deeper into the Prime search/wiki in an effort to try to be more informed for when I get to the point of actually seeing a car in person and am looking for a little insight please.

I'm keeping my options open but realistically at this point I think I'll probably end up in the 99 to 01 range of cars. Some things I know from reading here are to ask about the clutch and timing belt. I also know that these cars would be out of the snap ring range and that they 'could' have some Bose amp and window actuator problems.

So I guess my question is what have I missed that I should really know before going to look at one of these? Any general quirks? Maybe things that are unique to specific model years? What's the first thing you look at when looking at an NSX for the first time in person?

Thanks in advance,
Welcome TripleL, I think you have covered all the major issues on the NSX but in addition to your list is to make sure the owner has all the UP-TO-DATE maintenance records. After 9 years of ownership, NSX still make me :smile:.

YOU WON'T REGRET BUYING THE NSX, good luck with your search!
Welcome TripleL
Thanks :smile:

I think you have covered all the major issues on the NSX but in addition to your list is to make sure the owner has all the UP-TO-DATE maintenance records.
Great point, although I've thought about this it wasn't on my check list. Appreciate it.

After 9 years of ownership, NSX still make me :smile:.

YOU WON'T REGRET BUYING THE NSX, good luck with your search!
Exactly what I (or anyone looking for an NSX) wants to hear.


My 2¢, Even though you may be anxious to get one of these fantastic cars into your 3rd. garage, don’t jump at the first car you check out, unless it is perfect for you. However, don’t think about it too long because the good ones go quick. Learn as much as you can here on NSX Prime, then happy hunting, and as another primer said, don’t hesitate to have someone on prime help you out.

Good luck,


Big D, I like your new Avatar!
Welcome to Prime. I think most of us know the feeling. I saw my first NSX in 1995. I fell in love with it, and when I had the opportunity for one in 2006, I still wanted the same car. Also more than a decade later. :wink:
My 2¢, Even though you may be anxious to get one of these fantastic cars into your 3rd. garage, don’t jump at the first car you check out, unless it is perfect for you. However, don’t think about it too long because the good ones go quick.
Well put and thank you! Ideally I'd like to pick something up around this time next year. However, like you stated, I know the good ones go quick and if the right one crosses my path I'll have my eyes open for it :eek:
Learn as much as you can here on NSX Prime, then happy hunting, and as another primer said, don’t hesitate to have someone on prime help you out.

Good luck

Will do, I'm reading and trying to absorb as much as I can. And thank you, as I get rolling I'm sure I'll be asking for plenty of help!
In the mean time I'd like to see if I can make a local meet or a drive and get to see some of the nice NSXs I've see on Prime in person.

Welcome to Prime.
Thank you! :smile:
I think most of us know the feeling. I saw my first NSX in 1995. I fell in love with it, and when I had the opportunity for one in 2006, I still wanted the same car. Also more than a decade later. :wink:
Too cool! Sounds like I'm in good company. I'm really enjoying myself at this point. Thanks for sharing! :cool:

Funny as we both share the same dream sorta ~ waiting 15+ years for the NSX to be in our garage!

I've wanted it since my H.S. days (early 1990's) and picked up my 04 nsx only recently in April of this year :biggrin:

Just buy an 02+ and you won't regret it - I sold my 08 997 GT3 for it and don't regret it one second plus my piggy bank is more full as the GT3 was nearly $60k more!

Funny as we both share the same dream sorta ~ waiting 15+ years for the NSX to be in our garage!

I've wanted it since my H.S. days (early 1990's) and picked up my 04 nsx only recently in April of this year :biggrin:

Just buy an 02+ and you won't regret it - I sold my 08 997 GT3 for it and don't regret it one second plus my piggy bank is more full as the GT3 was nearly $60k more!
Thanks for sharing and 'Yes' very similar! :smile:

Selling a 08 GT3 for an NSX with no regrets, now that's what I call a testimonial to a car I want to own.

Usually good things come to those who wait, and based on your comments and others here, I should have one great treat coming to me soon!
