New Member Here....

19 December 2009
I just joined in the hopes that I can get an NSX in the semi near future. I have loved this car ever since my extremely nice neighbor gave me a ride many years ago. From that day forward I was hooked onto getting a Black NSX. I am not sure of the year...maybe a 1993, but it needs to be under $20K for now. I wanted to know any great spots to start looking and some prices that I should expect to pay. Also what year is best in your opinions and why. I will do some more searching on here for information on which year to get, prices to pay, etc...but any info would be great.


Daniel, welcome to the site and good luck in your search for an NSX. Suggest you do a deep dive into this site that will answer just about every question you have. For under $20,000 there is a high risk you will need to spend $5-6,000 in maintenance/repair costs. It is my belief that under 20k cars are generally very high miles and not in the best of shape, had little or no evidence of maintenance and, could have a salvage title. That is why they are under 20k.

Lots of newbie's like yourself have asked this question!! Check past posts on this section of the site just to give you an idea on price with respect to buying a car on the cheap. Remember, there is always a car out there that you can get an absolute deal on but excellent conditioned NSX's at your price range seem to be far a few between.
There are some nice cars around in the very low 20's---at the 30k level
you can really get some nice higher mileage cars.
Daniel, welcome to the site and good luck in your search for an NSX. Suggest you do a deep dive into this site that will answer just about every question you have. For under $20,000 there is a high risk you will need to spend $5-6,000 in maintenance/repair costs. It is my belief that under 20k cars are generally very high miles and not in the best of shape, had little or no evidence of maintenance and, could have a salvage title. That is why they are under 20k.

Lots of newbie's like yourself have asked this question!! Check past posts on this section of the site just to give you an idea on price with respect to buying a car on the cheap. Remember, there is always a car out there that you can get an absolute deal on but excellent conditioned NSX's at your price range seem to be far a few between.

+ 1 Please take your time and perhaps increase your budget. Don't end up buying a problem.
As stated if 20k is your top number for price I fear you don't have the income to comfortably own and care for an nsx.Have you looked at used s2000?Just as fun to drive more storage and nice older ones go for 12k all day.:wink:
So if I spend up to 30K vs 20k then I can really get a great clean car vs a salvage titled blurry pasted car? Thats kind of the information I was hoping to get from asking that question. I know newbies get blasted always for asking the basic questions everyone else did, so I will be doing my research asap.

More storage in an S2000? I don't think so....

Lol, cmon Don you can bungy stuff to the folded down roof:redface: It has been awhile for me.Why I mispoke about storage....I removed the rear trunk liner and the spare:tongue: So with those mods you could squeaze alittle more in the S....awe who the hell am I kidding,,you're right:frown:
So if I spend up to 30K vs 20k then I can really get a great clean car vs a salvage titled blurry pasted car? Thats kind of the information I was hoping to get from asking that question. I know newbies get blasted always for asking the basic questions everyone else did, so I will be doing my research asap.


I believe that's what most members will tell you. Also keep in mind the funds required for maintenance, insurance, tires, etc.
+1 on what everyone has said.

Most members will tell you that when everything is said and done you'll have $30-35K in "purchase price + maintenance" to have a car that is "up to snuff" with no deferred maintenance. Then there is the ongoing maintenance and insurance (and sales tax, tags, etc) to think about after that.

Two cases....

Tbromley bought his low mileage '91 for around $28K and then put $5-6K into it in maintenance to get it to the point where he knew he wouldn't have to be concerned about any deferred maintenance. So before he started enjoying the car he had $33-34K in it.

I bought my '94 with 34K miles on it for $34K. I have the maintenance records on the car so I knew there isn't any deferred maintenance on the car when I bought it. I also had a PPI done by a mechanic who knows NSXs (<-- important step when purchasing a vehicle like this) However, after driving back from Vegas with the car, the first thing I had done was replaced the coolant hoses (ALL 22 OF THEM) because the ones on the car were 15 years old. That was $750 in parts and labor. So at the end of the day, I have $35K in the car before started really enjoying it.

So, like many will tell you, I'd increase my budget to the $30-35K range (depending on the mileage and year of the car you purchase). Be prepared to a few lofty maintenance is just the price of ownership for a vehicle like a NSX, though you can save a bit if you have the ability and aptitude to perform the work yourself. When you are able to purchase a car like this, you'll enjoy every minute behind the wheel.

Good luck.
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Again +1 on everyone's comments here. Robert is so right and remembers what I had to put in very well.

Now as to what DocJohn has to say - take head. It's not just a purchase price - cause when you buy an older car and start putting miles on it - maintenance really doesn't end! There is always something. It is impossible to get it all unless you just want to dump around 10k in a nice older one.

For example - take me - on top of the 34k that I now have in my 91 - there is the issue of whether or not your stereo is really performing up to snuff - now let's be honest here - and I'm ok....with my stock stereo - but it is by no means "state of the art" - ok. Oh and my AC vent in the center console has a little delam going on - and everytime I get in the car - well it's there staring at me. Now what do you think it would cost to get that sorted out new? Only 250 bucks. The radio - well lets see now we're off and running down another road of center console upgrades and new stereos that really do have a super sound and a good CD player. How bout that AC unit ....mmmmm....just because it works now doesn't mean it's going 18 years and 100k miles untouched - ooooohhh no. Mines fine right now but....

Then as one starts putting the miles on you have just regular maintenance on ball joints and just other things that die along the way or need replacement. When you get yourself into a nice car like this - no one but the "turkey" lets it go - down hill - but if you want one for 20k you will surely find em. It's all relative. If you really want to save yourself any headaches then the newer NSX you buy the better off you'll be and the more miles you can put on without a lot of things that may die due to age and miles.

So my good buddy and local Atlanta resident Bethemortgage, just purchased his NSX and it's an 04 - now I won't say exactly what he paid - cause that's his deal but in the 40s point here is this - these cars are coming down in price and right now you can get some kick ass deals on late model cars and guys I've been doing some thinking and it seems to me that if I had it to do over again I would say that paying an additonal 10k+ or so over what I paid for mine to get a low mile late model 04 just might be a better deal.

So don't think of this as just how much is it gonna cost me to get in to a car that is nice but what is the best deal for any owner - what kind of owner are you. Do you get tired of doing things on your car - like keeping an eye on maintenance - thinking ahead about systems upgrades like the ABS system in the early models? I'll tell you as you start that you might as well ask yourself another question - how many miles am I gonna put on my car every year. What do I intend to do with this car - drive the poo out of it - and if you are - then I'll tell you this right now - buy the latest model with the least miles for the most money you can afford and you will be happier.

One can discuss the merits of the 3.0 vs 3.2 all day long; coupe vs targa top all day long - track car or daily or weekend fun toy - what's it gonna be. But in the end you have to live with the car you buy and the purchase price is the tip of the iceburg. It's just a starting place.

The only thing I might do myself is after a while, a few years, sell mine and buy a later model. That's right. That's what I'm thinking - already. Now I'm older, have more cash, have not so much time, and I can pretty much decide how I want to spend to a point. A low mile 2004 is no longer worth 60k - don't let anyone tell you that. It just isn't - not today - not in todays economics - not when house values have fallen 20% over the last year or so. Don't kid yourselves - they aren't worth in the high 50s either. They are now down into the 40s. Are they just out there for the pickin - no but no one that really understands how to buy gets lucky, right now. Not unless someone else has done some leg work for them and they just stumble in - Ask Bethemortgage how easy it was to find his. NOT....but it is findable and with patience it can be found. That's the key to all this stuff - patience.

Now as to the last question - how much fun are these cars to drive- are you have you looked at this web site AT ALL - have you seen how many ways you can find out stuff about these cars - how many threads there are dedicated to the fun and enjoyment of the NSX - are you CRAZY. OF COURSE THEY ARE FUN TO DRIVE! No one of us would be waisting all this time talking about em; figuring on them; worrrying over them; trying to make them even faster and cooler by personalizing them if they weren't just about the best damn secret of a super car that ever was - now would we. SO I ask you - what the heck do you think all this is about man!! It's about a super car - fast and fun as they come and good looking and you never see yourself going the other way in them - I mean man - I'm about to implode here with that one.

So do some homework and read some- take it easy dude and all will come crystal clear over time. How's that. Eveyone on board here as I mumble off into the sunset talking to myself.....geez this a fun car....:rolleyes: Oy

Adios - my fingers are turning white - gotta go!:wink:
Thanks for all the advice. I guess I will have to allow for more of a budget on this purchase. How fun is it to drive one? :smile:


Daniel, tbromley's post hit the hammer right on the nail in answering your question. Make sure you drive/view your NSX prior to purchase or be prepared to get blasted by prime members. The car is simply awesome.
Now as to the last question - how much fun are these cars to drive- are you have you looked at this web site AT ALL - have you seen how many ways you can find out stuff about these cars - how many threads there are dedicated to the fun and enjoyment of the NSX - are you CRAZY. OF COURSE THEY ARE FUN TO DRIVE!

+1, loads of fun. My wife loves just being driven around in it.
If you don't enjoy drawing attention, then the NSX is not for you. People will gawk, hang out their windows, turn around with their cell phones to take pictures, stop you and ask for a picture of the car, etc.

As for an NSX under $20k, that would be a find for a nice one. You might be able to find a nice NA1 in the low 20's now... between now and the end of March may be a good time.

I purchased my 91 two years ago with 38,500 miles with WestWings lip, side skirts, and Antera 308 wheels off e-bay on Easter for $27k. I felt quite lucky for getting it under $30k at the time. It had the TB WP changed a year or so before the sell.

I would think you could find an early NA1 for the low 20's in good shape. It takes time to find the right car... I searched off and on for more than 3 years.

I don't regret the purchase... there are cars with more raw HP, etc. but the car is fun to drive :biggrin:

Good luck and enjoy the hunt!
Again +1 on everyone's comments here. Robert is so right and remembers what I had to put in very well.

Now as to what DocJohn has to say - take head. It's not just a purchase price - cause when you buy an older car and start putting miles on it - maintenance really doesn't end! There is always something. It is impossible to get it all unless you just want to dump around 10k in a nice older one.

For example - take me - on top of the 34k that I now have in my 91 - there is the issue of whether or not your stereo is really performing up to snuff - now let's be honest here - and I'm ok....with my stock stereo - but it is by no means "state of the art" - ok. Oh and my AC vent in the center console has a little delam going on - and everytime I get in the car - well it's there staring at me. Now what do you think it would cost to get that sorted out new? Only 250 bucks. The radio - well lets see now we're off and running down another road of center console upgrades and new stereos that really do have a super sound and a good CD player. How bout that AC unit ....mmmmm....just because it works now doesn't mean it's going 18 years and 100k miles untouched - ooooohhh no. Mines fine right now but....

Then as one starts putting the miles on you have just regular maintenance on ball joints and just other things that die along the way or need replacement. When you get yourself into a nice car like this - no one but the "turkey" lets it go - down hill - but if you want one for 20k you will surely find em. It's all relative. If you really want to save yourself any headaches then the newer NSX you buy the better off you'll be and the more miles you can put on without a lot of things that may die due to age and miles.

So my good buddy and local Atlanta resident Bethemortgage, just purchased his NSX and it's an 04 - now I won't say exactly what he paid - cause that's his deal but in the 40s point here is this - these cars are coming down in price and right now you can get some kick ass deals on late model cars and guys I've been doing some thinking and it seems to me that if I had it to do over again I would say that paying an additonal 10k+ or so over what I paid for mine to get a low mile late model 04 just might be a better deal.

So don't think of this as just how much is it gonna cost me to get in to a car that is nice but what is the best deal for any owner - what kind of owner are you. Do you get tired of doing things on your car - like keeping an eye on maintenance - thinking ahead about systems upgrades like the ABS system in the early models? I'll tell you as you start that you might as well ask yourself another question - how many miles am I gonna put on my car every year. What do I intend to do with this car - drive the poo out of it - and if you are - then I'll tell you this right now - buy the latest model with the least miles for the most money you can afford and you will be happier.

One can discuss the merits of the 3.0 vs 3.2 all day long; coupe vs targa top all day long - track car or daily or weekend fun toy - what's it gonna be. But in the end you have to live with the car you buy and the purchase price is the tip of the iceburg. It's just a starting place.

The only thing I might do myself is after a while, a few years, sell mine and buy a later model. That's right. That's what I'm thinking - already. Now I'm older, have more cash, have not so much time, and I can pretty much decide how I want to spend to a point. A low mile 2004 is no longer worth 60k - don't let anyone tell you that. It just isn't - not today - not in todays economics - not when house values have fallen 20% over the last year or so. Don't kid yourselves - they aren't worth in the high 50s either. They are now down into the 40s. Are they just out there for the pickin - no but no one that really understands how to buy gets lucky, right now. Not unless someone else has done some leg work for them and they just stumble in - Ask Bethemortgage how easy it was to find his. NOT....but it is findable and with patience it can be found. That's the key to all this stuff - patience.

Now as to the last question - how much fun are these cars to drive- are you have you looked at this web site AT ALL - have you seen how many ways you can find out stuff about these cars - how many threads there are dedicated to the fun and enjoyment of the NSX - are you CRAZY. OF COURSE THEY ARE FUN TO DRIVE! No one of us would be waisting all this time talking about em; figuring on them; worrrying over them; trying to make them even faster and cooler by personalizing them if they weren't just about the best damn secret of a super car that ever was - now would we. SO I ask you - what the heck do you think all this is about man!! It's about a super car - fast and fun as they come and good looking and you never see yourself going the other way in them - I mean man - I'm about to implode here with that one.

So do some homework and read some- take it easy dude and all will come crystal clear over time. How's that. Eveyone on board here as I mumble off into the sunset talking to myself.....geez this a fun car....:rolleyes: Oy

Adios - my fingers are turning white - gotta go!:wink:

This post said everything and more for what I was trying to learn, many thanks for taking the time and energy to write this.

Tim's specialty....but always always a good read.

Kudos always appreciated Sidwac and I am very glad to assist anyone in their search for an NSX. There are many ways to approach ownership and we all learn. I know I've sureley done my share and it's not always cheap either. Hope I can assist anyone with the bit of knowledge I have gained.
tbromley, Your PM was amazing....really guys, you are just going above and beyond with all this info...I felt like I would have chosen every wrong way and had to learn the hard way....But from all the advice I got, I now know exactly what to do and can steer around the bad choices. I cant wait to get my car and join the club officially!


Kudos always appreciated Sidwac and I am very glad to assist anyone in their search for an NSX. There are many ways to approach ownership and we all learn. I know I've sureley done my share and it's not always cheap either. Hope I can assist anyone with the bit of knowledge I have gained.