New here

8 August 2006
Scranton, Pa
Hello everyone!

I'm Mike i live in Pennsylvania @ the moment. I am now out in the search for an nsx. Hopefully i can buy one off the members here! I've always loved the design of the car. I'm a honda enthusiast for the most part. I started out with a civic si, then moved up to the h22 prelude...over the past year i took another jump and went to the honda s2000. After driving it for several months i thought...i should have gotten an nsx instead.. well here i am and hopefully soon i'll move up the performance line of honda and finally snag an nsx!

I'm bracing myself to hopefully attend some nsx meets in the near future and meet some exciting people along the way! :smile: I'm sure i can find all the details, mods , advice etc. throughout browsing this forum. Thanks again- Mike
All I can tell you is it's a good move. I finally made the switch from my 350z and I love the NSX. Good luck.
i have owned several cars like u did.. but the NSX is one of the best handling machine i have ever driven.. lack some power compare to my supra but the styling is nothing compare to it..
ya the s2k handles so nice..and i hear the nsx is even more sharp..thats gotta be a great feeling. i can't wait to pick up one of these beauties.
SFMarine0311 said:
Hello everyone!

I'm Mike i live in Pennsylvania @ the moment. I am now out in the search for an nsx.

Welcome Mike... Your about to become one of the many happy S2000 owners to find motoring nirvana with the NSX... :smile:

I have to ask though... What possessed you to use such a ghastly avatar? Trully scary!...
AU_NSX said:
What possessed you to use such a ghastly avatar? Trully scary!...

That's pretty risky to say.. could be his wife/girlfriend.

Anyways welcome and good luck finding the right NSX for youself.
I think that's a pic of that teacher in Florida that was doing a student. Or at least I hope that is who that is and I haven't stuck a foot in my arse. Not a great pic but in others....very hot.
haha nvrquit got it right. nah she's not my g/f or wife. She's that teacher who bedded a 14 yr old in florida. But i'll tell you what, thats gotta be the most attractive teacher you've ever seen. I wish they were like that when i was in school. And because she's so beautiful she wasn't even sentenced to any jail time...

Back on nsx-time i'm definitely excited about gettin an nsx within the next year..just need to find the right one!
SFMarine0311 - curious, what does your name signify? I doubt I'll be ready within the year to get my NSX. I've given myself till my 40th birthday so I have a little over 3 years. If things go as planned it will be about half that time but we'll see. Gotta really cool wife but i need to replace her daily, do some house decor, and hopefully be building a dock and getting a boat (permit pending of course so we'll see). Anway, best of luck in getting your NSX much sooner than me. Is there a particular color combo or range of years you're shooting for?
SF is for Semper Fidelis which is latin for "always faithful" The Marine Corps motto. 0311 is my mos (military occupational specialty) aka job. Which is infantry. So it's always faithful Marine, I guess you can say.

As far as nsx wise...thats a tough choice..i guess whichever i come across that's in good condition, i'll go for. I'd like a black interior though...monte carlo blue is the best color imo. But they're hard to come by and still high in price. Maybe in a few years i'll replace my nsx with a newer one(NSX-T). So for now i'll shoot for a 91-93 year either red, white, black or silver.
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Klayton said:
That's pretty risky to say.. could be his wife/girlfriend.

Looks like a serial killer to me!... That is the look she gives you right before you cop an ice pick in the throat...

But she is actually a sick perverted child molester... Figures
Klayton said:
You judge everything at first sight?

No I don't...

I knew who she was and I also knew that she has no association with Mike (SFMarine0311) what-so-ever because he had posted so in another thread!

I am not the only one who has commented on Mike's avatar either!

I am personally puzzled why anyone would use her picture as their avatar picture though... An avatar usually says a little something about yourself (whatever that may be!) I do not see why Mike has chosen to use a picture of a child molester as his avatar? :confused:

... since you asked...
Hmm i think i've givin some of you a wrong impression of me, as if i'm a child molester ya..right rolls eyes...I just threw it in there as a joke...i'll find something to replace it soon!- Mike