New here

4 February 2003
Weatherford, OK
Hello, been reading the site for a while, big fan of the NSX, but I didnt sign up (cause to be honest, i dont own an NSX). currently drive a 97 prelude and 98 CR-V.

anyhow, just thought i'd say hi. I've always enjoyed this forum, you dont see any of the flaming/hater mentality here.
welcome okie, where exactly is Weatherford, OK.?

I lived in Jenks,(Tulsa area)in my college years. Now Im back in Cali..
=), weatherford is about an hour west from oklahoma city. I'm out here finishing up college (my last semester). I was raised in Cali, spent 20+ years out there growing up.

hopefully, i get my NSX soon. I have enough money for a second-hand NSX (if i sold both my cars) but I doubt i'd buy such a nice car before i turn 25 (i'm turning 24 next month). the insurance will absolutely eat me...